A meditation podcast to help you let go of the outer reality and tune into your inner world for healing, mindfulness, exploration, and growth. This podcast shar...
Have trouble quieting the mind before sleep? Try out this 15-minute meditation designed to help you relax and let go of the stress, worry, and overactive mind. Enjoy.
Breathing In Gratitude - 15 Minute Meditation
As you cultivate a more grateful presence within your energy field, the universe will send you more things to be grateful for. With this meditation, we use the power of the breath to connect with gratitude. This is because the oxygen we receive from the air is something that all of us can relate to. Enjoy and thank you for tuning in!
Heart Cleansing & Activation - Guided Meditation
The heart carries a lot of emotional turmoil, burdens, and traumas. In Sanskrit, these are called Samsaras. The energy that keeps us in repeating cycles. When we allow ourselves time and space to connect with the heart, we can tune into these stuck emotions and begin to release them. Take a moment to listen to your heart and allow the healing to unfold.
Mental Awareness - Guided Meditation
Connect with your mental self, gaining a deeper understanding of the thoughts that cycle through your mind on an everyday basis. Creating awareness of your internal reality; from there you can begin to take action on changing your mental energy towards more helpful and loving thoughts.
11/11 Manifestation Portal - Guided Meditation
Shift your reality during the 11/11 portal! This is a time to ground into a higher frequency and magnify your energy to fully step into your dream life.
A meditation podcast to help you let go of the outer reality and tune into your inner world for healing, mindfulness, exploration, and growth. This podcast shares a wide range of meditations, from simple mindfulness to deep interpersonal journeys.