In this podcast, Trish and Traci discuss the importance of storytelling in process safety. Trish shares two influential stories from her career and personal life. She outlines effective storytelling using the "four Cs": context, conflict, conclusion, and call to action. She emphasizes starting with a memorable moment to engage audiences, matching tone to content gravity, and personalizing stories.
An Engineer’s Process Safety Evolution
Welcome to the In Case You Missed It edition of Process Safety with Trish and Traci -- the podcast that aims to share insights from past incidents to help avoid future events.
This In Case You Missed It episode brings the written word to life. Today, Trish Kerin, the director of Lead Like Kerin and Stay Safe columnist for Chemical Processing will read her column “An Engineer’s Process Safety Evolution.”
Can an AI Copilot Streamline HAZOPs?
A former Formula One engineer has developed an AI copilot that can suggest questions, reference incident databases and provide support. But don’t worry, humans still have the last word.
Job Hazard Analysis Makeover: 5 Crucial Steps
Safety experts share strategies to revitalize job hazard analysis programs. A piece of paper won’t save your life, but what’s on that paper could.
Trish and Traci, along with guest Valerie Stakes, discuss five steps to improve job hazard analysis (JHA) programs: honest program evaluation, form clarity, embedding JHAs in other documents, improved training and increasing visibility through collaboration.
6 Process Safety Pearls of Wisdom
We’ve extracted a few gems from the 2024 season of Process Safety with Trish & Traci. Listen in as we discuss recurring accidents, emergency systems and organizational learning.