Hosts Big D and Brandon Valentine explore the strange, weird and disturbing stories, theories and events in our world. We aren't conspiracy theorists, we're con...
Perhaps you are one of them and don't even know it.Sent to earth with a specific mission the Indigo children apparently make up a vast majority of kids born during the 1998 to 2015 time period.Who are they, where are they from, how did they get here and what is their mission?Can this all be true or something very sinister?Email us at: [email protected]
Ark of the Covenant
We all know the Ark from Indiana Jones, but what was it really and where is it?Come with Brandon down the rabbit hole
The Kids For Cash Scandal
Making a bit of news at the time but nothing like it should have the Luzerne County courthouse was rocked by a major scandal in the 90's. Judges putting kids away for a profit. What actually happened? How did it happen and what lessons are to be learned by another Conspiracy that was dismissed until it broke wide open and could no longer silenced!Email us at: [email protected]
Publius Enigma: The Pink Floyd Conspiracy
Pink Floyd's Division Bell album was released in 1994. Shortly after their tour was announced an anonymous person under the name of Publius began a decades long chase for an unspecified prize.
Was the secret message pointing to things to come, the new world order, or something else?
Let's look into the puzzle and enigma that was and still is Publius Enigma!
Email us at: [email protected]
G.A.T.E. Program: Government Recruitment Experiment?
During the 1990's a program was started at several schools across the U.S.A. dubbed the G.A.T.E. Program. Seeking out gifted and talented kids, removing them from class and working with them. The problem is many of the kids who went through it can remember being in it but not what went on while they were in it.
Theories abound and many of the former students appear to be waking up from a daze wondering just what happened!
Email us at: [email protected]
Hosts Big D and Brandon Valentine explore the strange, weird and disturbing stories, theories and events in our world. We aren't conspiracy theorists, we're conspiracy realists!!!