What up Doc?! Welcome to THE HIGH-TICKET DOC™ podcast, formally known as the Productive on Purpose Podcast. Are you a woman doctor who wants to start a coachin...
Episode 137: Welcome to The Doctor Coach School™️ Podcast
Hey Doc Squad,Join me on The Doctor Coach School™️ Podcast by clicking HERE.See you inside!
Episode 136: Farewell, Doc Squad
Join me on July 3rd at 8 PM EST for my virtual Freedom Party 🎉.What up, Doc Squad!As you can probably tell from the title, I really can't believe that this is our last episode.I know that this may come as a shock to those of you who tune in every Monday but the time has come for me to transition and I am so at peace with this decision.As I always do with you my Doc Squad, I definitely want to take you all on board and give you the backstory of what is going on. In this last episode, I break down what is going on, why I am saying farewell, and what the next steps are for us...I give you all of the tea like I always do.Well, almost all of it...As I mention in this episode, I quit my job and I am now a full-time entrepreneur (cue celebratory effects).I would like to invite you to join me for my virtual Freedom Party on July 3rd where I will be celebrating not only my freedom but yours too...Because whatever freedom means for you, this is possible for you too.During the Freedom party, I will also be letting you in on how I am completely burning down my business. Everything is changing.I give you a sneak peek in the episode, so let's get into it.
Episode 135: Consistency is NOT Required
What up, Doc Squad.What if I told you that CONSISTENCY IS NOT A PREREQUISITE FOR STARTING.I know all the coaches on the interwebs are yelling at you to “BE CONSISTENT!!!” But what if I told you that all you needed was the COURAGE to take the first step? ....And that next follows the CONFIDENCE then the CONSISTENCY?No, this is neither an airy fairy 'woo-woo' thing nor magic.The reason you aren’t consistent is the same reason you haven’t yet sold your coaching.YOU SIMPLY AREN’T SOLD ON YOURSELF.Your brain is not on board with the goals you have for starting a business.So, your brain activates your nervous system every single time you want to post on social media, on your podcast, on your YouTube channel, on your blog; whenever you want to establish your presence online.But you can learn how to utilize your nervous system in such a way that it becomes an ally that you work with rather than a foe that you run from.Let's get into this in today's episode.Mentioned in this episode:How I helped Dr. Michelle create her first high-ticket client ***********************************************************************Join my FREE private Facebook Group The High-Ticket Doc™| High-Ticket Coaching For Women Doctors by clicking HERE.The Docs of High-Ticket Conference replay is now available as a lifetime access course! Head on over to docsofhighticketcon.com to make your purchase today for $497.
Episode 134: Making Offers On Social Media
Hey, Doc Squad.Have you ever thought about it?Jesus was the best marketer ever.Yes, I'm talking about, Jesus, Son of God, the Light of the world, Lamb of God, in all his glory came to the earth and what did he do?He was MAGNETIC.He came right off the gate consistently telling compelling stories that attracted the largest audiences.But He was also set to fulfil His mission. To get people to think about things in a new way.He shifted beliefs.Of course, not everyone took this kindly. We all know the story.Like any magnet, He attracted but He also repelled.Squad, what a wonderful time to be alive. We get to share our thoughts globally at the click of a button.But if we are saying the same things as everyone else, how will we attract our people?How will we transform lives?How will we show up on social media powerfully and sign our high-ticket clients who are only waiting to hear from us?In this episode, another one of my amazing Masterclass sessions, I go all in to help you achieve exactly that.Let's get into it.Mentioned in this episode:Episode 000-Welcome to the POP Podcast!Episode 001: Profiles in Purpose: My Story Pt. 1Episode 002: Profiles in Purpose: My story Pt. 2Episode 036: Back to the basics-Why your affirmations aren't working for youEpisode 106: How To Land High-Ticket Clients: Communicating Value (Pt.1)Episode 121: The One Thing You Need To Work On To Achieve Your Business Goals (Pt. 2)***********************************************************************Join my FREE private Facebook Group The High-Ticket Doc™| High-Ticket Coaching For Women Doctors by clicking HERE.The Docs of High-Ticket Conference replay is now available as a lifetime access course! Head on over to docsofhighticketcon.com to make your purchase today for $497.
Episode 133: Paid or Popular?
What up, Doc Squad.When I first started my blog in 2018, right before I transitioned into podcasting, I remember thinking that I had to be popular.I needed to get my numbers up. I needed to get my followers up. I needed to make sure I was doing the things that would get more people's eyes on me. I thought I was doing it from a place of wanting to help people but really deep down inside, a lot of it was me seeking validation.How many likes, how many comments, how many new followers did my post get?I was focused on the vanity metrics.If I could just have a thousand followers on Instagram, my whole life would change. Spoiler alert...nothing changed in a thousand followers on Instagram because I was NOT selling.No one's life was changed. As a new coach, it's easy to get caught up in being popular, especially in the beginning of your business and that can really take you away from the money.I hear it all the time..."It's not about the money".I totally disagree.Entrepreneurship is a hundred percent about the money.As entrepreneurs, we are paid to solve people's problems.The whole role of a coach is to help someone move from point A to point B. That's what we are paid for.I had to share this discussion from a Masterclass Monday session with the wonderful women docs of my Facebook group, The High-Ticket Doc™| High-Ticket Coaching For Women Doctors.Join us on Mondays at 7 PM EST.For now, let's get into it.***********************************************************************Join my FREE private Facebook Group The High-Ticket Doc™| High-Ticket Coaching For Women Doctors by clicking HERE.The Docs of High-Ticket Conference replay is now available as a lifetime access course! Head on over to docsofhighticketcon.com to make your purchase today for $497.
What up Doc?! Welcome to THE HIGH-TICKET DOC™ podcast, formally known as the Productive on Purpose Podcast. Are you a woman doctor who wants to start a coaching business, but you don’t know how to get started? Does the idea of coaching others seem exciting and completely scary at the same time? Do you want to learn how to show up powerfully online, sell with confidence, and make your 1st 100K, even if you’re brand new?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place! I am your host, Dr. Kimmy, Double Board Certified Physician and professor I am also your High-Ticket Start Coach. This podcast will give you actionable strategies to launch your first high-ticket program and make your first 100K without overwhelm. Let’s do this, sis!