#1 NY Times Best Selling Author - Medical Medium Podcast - Originator of Global Celery Juice Movement - Helping People Heal and Overcome Illness
How many peopl...
Today’s human civilization is still challenged by wars, atrocities, adversity, disturbing events, hardships, losses and so much more. But why? And how is this still possible? Aren’t humans good? Aren’t humans compassionate and caring? The truth is, not all humans are these very things, instead there is so much darkness and evil still occurring on this planet and people driven by things unexplainable to instigate and cause so much pain and suffering. In this episode you will begin to learn about Demons and demonic influence. The information in this episode stems from the Original Audio, Medical Medium Angels, Demons and Spiritual Tools. There are ways we can protect ourselves from so much we can’t see. Get ready to hear the truth and to begin a journey applying powerful tools to protect yourself and the ones you love.
In this episode…
Discover why you should not fear the word “Demon.”
Uncover how Demons might be affecting your life.
Learn about “accidents” that happen, relationships that turn sour, dark actions that occur and what these incidents are truly about.
Discover if, when bad things happen to someone, whether that person brought it upon themselves or not.
Uncover the constant coverups that occur out there to hide the ongoing darkness that keeps truth from showing.
Learn about the forces at work and the 16 Spiritual Lights of Free Will.
All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.
For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com
089 Measles: The Timing Isn't Natural
The Measles are going around and it’s not by natural proliferation. What seems like a disease that is extinct, turns out to reappear and is alive and well and seemingly stronger than normal. All the modern medicine and conventional medicine weapons aren’t enough to keep it at bay. Instead, it’s virulent again. Organic foods as lifestyles; health fads and trends; health products galore around every corner; less processed foods being consumed than ever… and the Measles makes a star comeback. Why? And how? Things aren’t always what they seem or appear to be, and in regards to the Measles, there is so much to learn. How do we protect ourselves and our loved ones and what are the best things to do to fight against this virus? How is it possible the virus is here again? All these questions and more, answered in this chilling but empowering episode, Measles! Welcome back home…
In this episode…
Learn about how the Measles are here again, and if it’s from a bat in a cave or the wet market or somewhere else.
Discover how to protect yourself from the Measles.
Uncover why you should take the Measles going around again seriously and what threat it poses to children.
Learn how Classified Medical Research and Science has everything to do with the Measles going around again, and what their goal is.
Discover the difference between the spread of stealth herpetic viruses and viruses like the Measles.
Uncover how aggressive and fast-acting the Measles can be.
Learn how coconut water can be helpful for the Measles before, during and after you catch it, and what other nutrients can be helpful as well.
Discover the best approach to take when fighting the Measles.
Uncover how the Measles virus out there now is different than the virus that was out there hundreds and thousands of years ago.
Learn where the Measles originally came from a long time ago.
All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.
For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com
088 Mattress Island Series: In Bed Most Of The Day
Unless you lived it, this is a hard one for many to understand, and it’s called Mattress Island. Mattress Island is a place that becomes someone’s personal, private sanctuary when they are forced to stay in bed more hours than the normal, nighttime sleep hours that people who are healthy enough experience. The chronically ill spend the majority of time in bed not because they truly want to, but because they don’t feel well enough to function optimally, or at least to function enough to live their lives mostly out of bed. Many switch from Mattress Island to Couch Island at any given time, but eventually spend most of their time in their beds—their symptoms are consuming them on so many levels, symptoms that are mostly debilitating. People on Mattress Island have trouble showering, doing basic kitchen chores and even have trouble holding themselves up. Vertigo, dizziness, heart palpitations, fatigue, anxiety, aches, pains, eye blurriness, and brain fog are just a few of the symptoms they may suffer from. Unless someone has lived these symptoms and lived through Mattress Island, it’s nearly impossible to see it with clarity. If someone does see it and has compassion for the ones going through life on and off of Mattress Island, it is a blessing because Mattress Island is not truly respected like it should be. Many people land on Mattress Island part-time, for a couple hours a day, not including nighttime sleep hours, and those couple of hours a day can be hard enough when watching the world hustle and bustle around them. There is a way to get strong, to heal and to leave Mattress Island—countless people have. They found answers when there were none to be found, they applied Medical Medium tools and rose out of the ashes of sickness and healed their mystery chronic illnesses. They arrived in the light of healing and when they look back, they never forget their Mattress Island days. In this episode, you will have new insight and wisdom on the road to healing and what so many have gone through…
In this episode…
Learn about what it means to be on Mattress Island and why people can’t just “get out of bed” or “get up off the couch.”
Discover what it’s like to be in a situation where the bed is your friend and your island.
Uncover the difference between someone who’s suffering from chronic illness on Mattress Island versus someone who broke their leg or someone who caught the flu.
Learn about the hardships of being on and off of Mattress Island and how keeping the faith is critical because healing and recovery is more than possible.
Discover how the longer you are on Mattress Island, the more friends you could lose, and how lonely of a place it can be.
Uncover why being on Mattress Island doesn’t mean they need a lot of sleep, and why there’s so much misunderstanding surrounding laying on the bed and couch all day and all night.
Learn how people on Mattress Island are more sensitive and more attuned to things that others might not be to.
Discover why spiritual guidance from someone who lived or lives on Mattress Island is different than guidance from someone who’s had more freedoms and hasn’t suffered from chronic illness.
Uncover how to get off of Mattress Island.
All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.
For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com
087 Seed Oils: Are They Damaging You?
Lately, the trend is to blame almost everything that’s health-related on seed oils. The truth is some seed oils are extremely bad for the body. That’s why, for decades now, Medical Medium information has exposed the dangers of many seed oils—including canola, soy and corn oil—and has released advanced information on the subject, such as canola oil damaging the intestinal linings and even feeding bad bacteria in the gut—all this during a time when toxic seed oils were not known and even heralded as healthy oils. Today, health trend riders and opportunists throw the baby out with the bath water by ostracizing all seed oils as severely damaging when that is not really the truth. These same influencers of health were promoting and consuming lots of seed oils only just a few years ago. They don’t realize that some seed oils are less problematic and don’t cause as much harm in small amounts to a really strong, healthy young person and that there are lots of nuances and details that matter, such as outlining differences as to which ones cause trouble and why. Some seed oils aren’t a big issue at all, but all oils in general, including all seed oils, can be an issue when someone is chronically ill because of high fat content, which doesn’t allow the body to cleanse easily, and for many other reasons. All oils can inhibit someone’s healing process to some degree. When someone is sick with chronic illness and is struggling in so many different ways, canola oil, corn oil and soybean oil can be too much of a burden on the immune system and even feed pathogens. Plus, even healthier overt fats such as avocado, nuts, and olive oil can be burdensome. Get ready for this episode; a lot of groundbreaking information and truths about seed oils will be awaiting you.
In this episode…
Learn whether seed oils are better or worse for you than other foods out there.
Discover more about different types of oils and what they are and aren’t responsible for when it comes to your health.
Uncover how canola oil can accelerate chronic illness and how it is used as a low-cost alternative for olive oil in restaurants.
Learn which seed oil can eat away at all linings in the body, including the linings of a woman’s reproductive system.
Discover the “bad boys” when it comes to oils and why you should stay away from them no matter what if you have chronic illness.
Uncover which of the seed oils will not feed a bad bug.
Learn about health foods created within the health industry and what you might find on the back of their packaging.
Discover what products beyond seed oils are far more impactful on your health than seed oils ever could be.
Uncover why, if you’re sick and struggling, you should keep the fats low.
All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.
For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com
086 Microplastics: Are You Becoming Plastic?
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is looming over California, Hawaii and even Oregon. At some point far in the future there will be a price to pay for the billions of tons of plastic that has been dumped into the ocean that is now accumulated to larger than Texas. All it takes is that one dreaded earthquake that spurs on a tsunami and billions of tons of plastic will be barfed on the shores. Plastic is everywhere, it’s not going away, and the most dangerous exposure is breathing in the plastics in the air that come from various sources such as agricultural burning, domestic garbage burning, chem trails, hot cars sitting in the sun and so much more than just plastic bags and plastic water bottles. People running from plastic can accidentally run from a bee into a bus and have a worse situation on their hands. For instance, being so worried about drinking out of a plastic water bottle that they then choose to drink out of metal, steel, alloy and copper thermoses and metal bottles so that they get worse exposure than they realize. Plus, microplastics are easier to remove from the body. All is discussed in detail in this compelling episode.
In this episode…
Learn about the many different ways in which plastic surrounds us, for instance, in pharmaceutical drugs and our clothing.
Discover more about the West Coast dumping nightmare that is a looming powder keg ready to explode.
Uncover why The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a prime example of abuse put upon the Earthly Mother.
Learn about plastic row covers and how they protect the plants on conventional farms—but where do they end up?
Discover why it’s not just plastic that’s the problem, it’s what’s inside of the plastic that can be.
Uncover why the plastics we hold in our hands or have around our food and water are not the main contaminator, and why it’s the environmental plastics falling out of the sky that are the real problem.
Learn how your car is one of the greatest places we get plastic in our system from every single day, and what you can do about it.
Discover how suntan lotion can have a plastic problem, and it’s not because the lotion itself have plastics in them.
Uncover where plastic goes when it enters our body and why it takes a lot for plastic by itself to hinder the immune system.
Discover why drinking out of plastic water bottles is different than drinking from metal containers.
Learn what your neighbor might be burning in their backyard that you’re breathing in.
All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.
For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com
#1 NY Times Best Selling Author - Medical Medium Podcast - Originator of Global Celery Juice Movement - Helping People Heal and Overcome Illness
How many people do you know who struggle with their health? Chances are, whether they show it or not, most of the people in your life do. And chances are, you’re one of them — whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, endometriosis, pcos, acne, eczema, psoriasis, autoimmune, thyroid conditions, lyme disease, brain fog, or fatigue. You’re far from alone. Living with symptoms has become the new normal.
Much of the time, people coexist with their ailments, accepting them and never questioning why science and research hasn’t offered answers, as suffering has become the status quo. Sometimes though — an increasing amount of the time now — people’s symptoms start to impede their quality of life. They start to lose joys and privileges. They join the hidden army of those stuck at home or even in the hospital with mystery health issues. As they consult doctor after doctor and expert after expert and have trouble functioning on a day to day basis, their spark starts to go. They lose hope.
No one is safe from becoming ill. With what were up against in today’s world and what that’s doing to our bodies, nobody is guaranteed that one day down the road, they won’t develop their first set of symptoms when they least expect it. This knowledge is not about living in fear. It’s about not living in denial.
Join Anthony William, the Medical Medium, for this eye opening podcast, where he shares unique, original, advanced medical information decades ahead of science and research, that millions all around the world are already using to heal, and overcome chronic illness.
If you want to keep the wool over your eyes, this podcast isn’t for you.
Anthony William, the Medical Medium, the originator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Medical Medium Book Series, including his newest book Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal, was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with advanced medical information that’s ahead of research and science. Anthony has over 30 years of experience working with countless individuals, and helping doctors solve mysterious health cases.