This podcast is devoted to helping you be your very best by keeping up with current trends in self-development, leadership and business. The Blanchard LeaderC...
Hear Sara Daw explain how many organizations are challenging the traditional full-time employment model, by moving C-suite positions from the payroll to an “access role.” She describes the benefits of fractional leadership for companies and individuals in her latest book Strategy and Leadership as Service: How the Access Economy Meets the C-Suite. For more information visit
The Art of Self-Leadership with Heather R. Younger
Hear Heather Younger describe how to develop a new mindset around personal advocacy and learn to exercise your sphere of control and influence to take control of your workplace experience and relationships. She shares key messages from her new book, The Art of Self-Leadership: Discover the Power Within Your and Learn to Lead Yourself. For more information about Heather R. Younger visit her website here. To pre-order Heather’s book go to Amazon
Never Lead Alone with Keith Ferrazzi
Hear Keith Ferrazzi share his latest research with more than 3000 teams. He explains how leaders and team members need to work together, elevate their behaviors, and hold each other accountable to mobilize their full potential as described in his new book, Never Lead Alone: 10- Shifts from Leadership to Teamship.
Productive Failure with Manu Kapur
Hear Manu Kapur explain how carefully curated failure can become a signal for deeper learning. People can gain lifelong readiness to push themselves outside of their comfort zones, using setbacks as launchpads for learning and innovation as described in his book Productive Failure: Unlocking Deeper Learning Through the Science of Failing. For more information visit
The Five Talents That Really Matter with Barrie Conchie
Hear Barrie Conchie share the results of his research with Sarah Dalton to identify the most important skills leaders need today. They believe setting direction, building energy, exerting pressure, increasing connectivity, and controlling traffic are focus areas, as presented in their book, The Five Talents That Really Matter. For more information visit
This podcast is devoted to helping you be your very best by keeping up with current trends in self-development, leadership and business. The Blanchard LeaderChat Podcast provides the perfect way for you to stay up-do-date on the latest ideas, insights, and innovations that impact you and your work. Each episode features an expert sharing their ideas about helping people become the best leaders they can be. So, subscribe today, listen at your convenience, and keep checking back for new episodes. You’ll be inspired by what you hear.