Have you ever wondered, “What should I do with my life?” Or, “Should I stay or should I go?” Or, “Is there anyone out there who actually tells the freaking trut...
This week on Becoming You, we’re diving into the heart of it all: the methodology that’s changing lives, one purpose at a time. Whether you’re a first-time listener or a longtime fan (love you, by the way), this episode is your ultimate guide to answering the question that occupies us all heart, mind, and soul: What should I do with my life?In this foundational episode, Suzy takes you on a no-holds-barred journey through the Becoming You process, a framework she’s honed at NYU Stern School of Business and beyond. You’ll discover how your purpose lies at the intersection of three powerful forces: your values, your aptitudes, and your economically viable interests. But this isn’t some woo-woo self-help spiel. It’s a gritty, honest, and scientifically grounded approach to uncovering the life you were born to live.Along the way, Suzy shares two unforgettable stories of transformation—one explosive reinvention, one subtle yet profound tweak. Both will leave you inspired to confront the gap between the life you’re living and the life you’re meant to lead. And yes, there’s also a wacky confession about Joan of Arc (or “Joanie Baby,” as Suzy calls her) that ties it all together.If you’re ready to stop running in circles and start running toward your purpose, this is the episode for you.
To enter the Becoming You Intensive Giveaway and sign up for the Becoming You Newsletter, click here.Want more Becoming You? Pre-order the Becoming You Book. Learn about the Three-Day Becoming You Intensive, and the One-Day Becoming You Intensive. You are always growing and evolving and so are we. Sign up for the Becoming You newsletter for fresh new content in one tidy package. SocialYou can follow and tag Suzy on:Instagram: @suzywelchLinkedin: @suzywelchTikTok: @suzywelchYouTube: @suzywelch_X: @SuzyWelch
Me, My Career, and Anxiety: A Love Story, with Special Guest Chrissy Rutherford
You don't have to read the news to know that anxiety is everywhere and anywhere these days, endemic across generations and cultures. But where Suzy confronts anxiety most often is in the Becoming You classroom, where her students ask a question many of us have wondered: How can I possibly design my perfect future when my head and heart are consumed with so much worry right here and now? In other words: Can career planning and anxiety even coexist? And if so, how?In this episode of Becoming You, Suzy describes her own early encounters with anxiety and the strategies she used to beat back "the beast," as she calls it, but her recollections are expanded and deepened by the stories and insights offered by Chrissy Rutherford, a writer, cultural observer, and influencer who found her life's purpose even as she wrestled with panic attacks that started at age six. Today, Chrissy, an international traveler, astute commentator, and fashion icon, is a inspiring example of how to live with anxiety, not despite it. Indeed, it is an exploration of the gift of anxiety where this episode ultimately leads, as both Suzy and Chrissy relate how anxiety changed their lives -- for the better. Tune in to hear their message of power, transformation, and hope.
To enter the Becoming You Intensive Giveaway and sign up for the Becoming You Newsletter, click here.Want more Becoming You? Pre-order the Becoming You Book. Learn about the Three-Day Becoming You Intensive, and the One-Day Becoming You Intensive. You are always growing and evolving and so are we. Sign up for the Becoming You newsletter for fresh new content in one tidy package. SocialYou can follow and tag Suzy on:Instagram: @suzywelchLinkedin: @suzywelchTikTok: @suzywelchYouTube: @suzywelch_X: @SuzyWelch
If You Knew Suzy...The Swan, That Is..
In this week's deeply personal episode of Becoming You, we revisit one of the podcast's most loved stories -- about Suzy's swan named, well, "Suzy" -- and bring it up-to-date with an ending that might surprise you, because it certainly surprised Suzy herself. But don't get the idea that this episode is about bird life (although it is...a little)...it's more about human life, and the universal struggle to shed old identities and embrace the scareforia that leads to the new. In such a way, it is the quintessential Becoming You journey, one into our heart's desires about the lives we lead today...and the ones we must forge to create our tomorrows.
To enter the Becoming You Intensive Giveaway and sign up for the Becoming You Newsletter, click here.Want more Becoming You? Pre-order the Becoming You Book. Learn about the Three-Day Becoming You Intensive, and the One-Day Becoming You Intensive. You are always growing and evolving and so are we. Sign up for the Becoming You newsletter for fresh new content in one tidy package. SocialYou can follow and tag Suzy on:Instagram: @suzywelchLinkedin: @suzywelchTikTok: @suzywelchYouTube: @suzywelch_X: @SuzyWelch
Please Stop Taking the Dumbest Advice in the World
Every day, we make decisions—big, small, and everything in between, each one shaping our careers and relationships, and sometimes even the course of our entire lives. And yet, most of us were never taught how to actually make a decision. Instead, we accept the conventional wisdom: "Just trust your gut." Too bad that advice is only right half the time. Yep, research shows that gut has a 50% hit rate. So why not just go toss a coin? Or wait -- there's a better way, and it's so easy too. All you have to do it...press play. Because in this episode, Suzy breaks the simple decision-making system that changed her life when everything was falling apart, and then put it into success overdrive when things turned around. It’s called 10-10-10, and it’s not about quick fixes or perfect choices—it’s about clarity, confidence, values (of course!) and making peace with the decisions that define us.Becoming You is a methodology for finding our purpose. For answering the question, "What should I do with my life?" In this quick and powerful episode, learn how good decision-making can help turn Becoming You's findings into reality. And as a bonus, find out how 10-10-10 was born one very long, very humiliating day in Hawaii when Suzy's kids themselves decided to go for broke. Your own decisions may never be the same.
To enter the Becoming You Intensive Giveaway and sign up for the Becoming You Newsletter, click here.Want more Becoming You? Pre-order the Becoming You Book. Learn about the Three-Day Becoming You Intensive, and the One-Day Becoming You Intensive. You are always growing and evolving and so are we. Sign up for the Becoming You newsletter for fresh new content in one tidy package. SocialYou can follow and tag Suzy on:Instagram: @suzywelchLinkedin: @suzywelchTikTok: @suzywelchYouTube: @suzywelch_X: @SuzyWelch
You’re Fine. You’re Good. You’re…Trapped?
The Becoming You method of purpose-discovery is based on the premise that there’s one wild and precious life that we’re each meant to live. But it also acknowledges that there’s real life out there.Real life is where we too often cede our hoped-for dreams of purpose and joy to the many seemingly inescapable demands, constraints, obstacles and challenges that come with work and family and well, everything. Real life is why so many of us end up living in “The Velvet Coffin,” a term Suzy uses to describe the comfortable accommodation we can make with a life on pause. “It’s OK,” we tell ourselves when that happens. “Sure, I’m making some compromises. Sure, I’m postponing stuff. But this is how it has to be right now.” Right now can last a long time, can’t it? It doesn’t have to be that way.Tune into Becoming You this week as Suzy talks about how and why we end up in the Velvet Coffin – sometimes without even noticing it – and best of all, how we can push our way out before it’s too late. (PS: It’s never too late.)
To enter the Becoming You Intensive Giveaway and sign up for the Becoming You Newsletter, click here.Want more Becoming You? Pre-order the Becoming You Book. Learn about the Three-Day Becoming You Intensive, and the One-Day Becoming You Intensive. You are always growing and evolving and so are we. Sign up for the Becoming You newsletter for fresh new content in one tidy package. SocialYou can follow and tag Suzy on:Instagram: @suzywelchLinkedin: @suzywelchTikTok: @suzywelchYouTube: @suzywelch_X: @SuzyWelch
Have you ever wondered, “What should I do with my life?” Or, “Should I stay or should I go?” Or, “Is there anyone out there who actually tells the freaking truth about life and work today, but also does not leave me in despair?”
Wonder no more! The “Becoming You” podcast has arrived, hosted by Suzy Welch, the business journalist-turned-professor at the helm of NYU’s wildly popular self-discovery class by the same name. A three New York Times best-seller and frequent contributor to the Today Show and the Wall Street Journal, Professor Welch is considered a leading expert on decision-making, and the discovery and pursuit of authentic purpose. But virtually no topic is off-bounds in her irreverent new podcast, from parenting fails (including her own) to perfect poems (none of her own, thank God.) Also included: Pointed opinions on dogs, Gen Z, marriage, credit default swaps, golf skirts, career killing mistakes, and under-appreciated TV shows you really have to see immediately. OK, there is actually nothing in the podcast about credit default swaps.
Tune in every week to laugh, learn, get riled up, get calmed down, and basically get closer to becoming you, joyfully, in this crazy, upside-down, scary, messy, and altogether beautiful world we share.