Brian Bain | Learn to invest | Seeking Alpha | Barrons | Kiplinger | WSJ |
This podcast exists to help you learn to invest and better provide financially for you and your family.
Currently, we are focusing on building our own, pers...
216 - Hoard Cash For The Buying Spree To Come (Kirk Spano)
Kirk Spano discusses the coronavirus and it's impact on the US and global economy and what investors can do today to prepare for opportunities to come.
215 - Enbridge: The Reason You Shouldn't Buy IBM (Dividend Sensei)
IBM is down over 30% on the year, does that make it a great buy? The biggest challenge is that of opportunity cost. For those seeking a strong yield with upside potential, Enbridge appears to be a more compelling choice. Brian and Adam discuss the decision making process.
214 - Get Your Portfolio Ready For $80 Oil (Kirk Spano)
Oil prices have taken a beating recently and related equities have been hit even harder. Should investors run away or jump and potential opportunities? Kirk and Brian pull the curtain back to see what's really going on and how investors can potentially benefit.
213 - NVIDIA: A Clear Miscalculation (Mark Hibben)
NVIDIA recently issued a revenue warning for investors. What's going on? Is this a reason for concern or a great opportunity in hiding? Brian and Mark discuss this and more.
212 - Helicopter Money Is Inevitable (Kirk Spano)
Deflation is the real enemy to fear. Thanks to an aging demographic and soaring debt, it is almost inevitable. In addition, stocks and real estate are greatly overvalued. What's the answer? Kirk and Brian discuss all the above and more.
This podcast exists to help you learn to invest and better provide financially for you and your family.
Currently, we are focusing on building our own, personal Berkshire Hathaway. I'm more excited about this than any other business project I've undertaken.
Join us only if you're serious about becoming one of the best investors in the world.
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