Aprende inglés con el método Daway. Escucha el podcast oficial del curso de inglés Daway: recursos para aprender inglés online, lecciones y las últimas novedade...
Today, we have a fun and festive topic—St. Patrick’s Day! Let`s find out more about this classic Irish holiday.
Real Life Real English Ep 6 - English Con Chris
In today´s episode of Real Life Real English, we chat to Chris from Brighton! His hobbies are travel and film; let´s see what he had to share with us.
Present Perfect VS Past Simple
The Present Perfect tense is an important grammar point to control when you are learning English! Luckily, it is very similar to Spanish! Let's compare the Present Perfect with the Past Simple to see when to use the different grammar tenses.
Real Life Real English Ep 5- James
On today´s episode we welcome James Bradley on to the show. James is an English teacher in Barcelona and we talk about his vast knowledge of proto-indo-european languages, etymology, linguistics, adventure travel and dancing.
Mastering Dipthong Pronunciation
Pronunciation is an important aspect of the English language. Today´s episode focuses on dipthongs, two vowel sounds we put together to create a new sound!
Aprende inglés con el método Daway. Escucha el podcast oficial del curso de inglés Daway: recursos para aprender inglés online, lecciones y las últimas novedades de nuestra app y misión educativa.