Aprende inglés con el método Daway. Escucha el podcast oficial del curso de inglés Daway: recursos para aprender inglés online, lecciones y las últimas novedade...
This is an example of the B1 Speaking exam for Cambridge. You can find the example on the Cambridge website. Listen for the vocabulary we used to elevate the vocabulary for B1 speakers.
Irregular Verb Pronunciation Part 2
Irregular verbs are difficult because the pronunciation is so different for the present and past versions! Let's listen to the second half of the most common irregular verbs in English!
Irregular Verb Pronunciation Part 1
Irregular verbs are difficult because the pronunciation is so different for the present and past versions! Let´s listen to the first half of the most common irregular verbs in English!
Past Simple VS Past Continuous
Let´s revise how we use Past Simple and Past Continuous and how to use them together!
New Year Expressions
To start the year, we need some vocabulary to focus on our goals in English! Here are 10 expressions we use to talk about our objectives.
Aprende inglés con el método Daway. Escucha el podcast oficial del curso de inglés Daway: recursos para aprender inglés online, lecciones y las últimas novedades de nuestra app y misión educativa.