As our world expands beyond physical frontiers into digital spaces, old forms of governance are forced to go through thorough revisions. The Digital Deal Podcas...
Send us a textThe stories we tell about, with, or for technologies matter. Can we demystify misnomers such as artificial intelligence through storytelling, role-playing, and improvisation? In this episode, we talk to dmstfctn (Francesco Tacchini and Oliver Smith) and Lawrence Lek about how they build narratives around complex computational systems.Resources:The Tricks of the Trade by Dario FoDadda by Brood MaRole-play with large language models by M. Shanahan, K. McDonell & L. Reynolds Host & Producer: Ana-Maria CarabeleaEditing: Ana-Maria CarabeleaMusic: Karl Julian SchmidingerThe Digital Deal Podcast is part of European Digital Deal, a project co-funded by Creative Europe and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the host and guests only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for them.
Love and the City
Send us a textWhat happens when our public behaviour is constantly monitored? Do we still hug, kiss, or allow ourselves to be vulnerable in public, does it stop us from being at our worst? In this episode, we talk to artist Noemi Iglesias Barrios and Guggenheim curator Noam Segal about surveillance systems in the public space and why we might want to 'measure' cities in terms of emotionality by training algorithms to search for signs of love on the streets.Resources:The Radicality of Love by Srećko Horvat The Shadow (1981) by Sophie Calle Noise by C. R. Sunstein, D. Kahneman, and O. Sibony The Atlas of AI by Kate Crawford Race After Technology by Ruha Benjamin Nexus by Yuval Noah Harari Host & Producer: Ana-Maria CarabeleaEditing: Ana-Maria CarabeleaMusic: Karl Julian SchmidingerThe Digital Deal Podcast is part of European Digital Deal, a project co-funded by Creative Europe and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the host and guests only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for them.
Operational Hoaxes
Send us a textIt’s easy to discard fakes and hoaxes as misinformation. But that might be too abrupt an ending to a discussion about the aesthetics of non-fact and the role of synthetic images in our visual landscape. In this episode, we talk to Martyna Marciniak and Jussi Parikka about synthetic images and their relationship to the material realities that (re-)/produce.Resources:The Eye of the Master by Matteo PasquinelliDoppelganger by Naomi KleinMaterial Witness by Susan SchuppliInto the White by Chris P. HeuerOperational Images by Jussi ParikkaHost & Producer: Ana-Maria CarabeleaEditing: Ana-Maria CarabeleaMusic: Karl Julian SchmidingerThe Digital Deal Podcast is part of European Digital Deal, a project co-funded by Creative Europe and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the host and guests only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for them.
There's Hope at the Edges of Power
Send us a textIn today's episode, we talk to Meredith Whittaker of Signal and artist Calin Segal about what surveillance and the concentration of power in the hands of a few tech companies mean for society. We discuss the context that made it possible for these companies to capture data without regard for privacy and use it to produce new social, cultural, and political dynamics. At the edges of what looks like an inescapable panopticon society, we find hope in the role of art, research, critical thinking, and organisations that prove “none of this is natural or inevitable”, in levelling the playing field. Resources:Selling the American People by Lee McGuiganProfit over Privacy: How Surveillance Advertising Conquered the Internet by Matthew CrainThe Exhausted of the Earth: Politics in a Burning World by Ajay Singh ChaudharyWhen the Clock Broke by John GanzPostjournalism and the death of newspapers. The media after Trump: manufacturing anger and polarization by Andrey MirHost & Producer: Ana-Maria CarabeleaEditing: Ana-Maria CarabeleaMusic: Karl Julian Schmidinger________________________Host & Producer: Ana-Maria CarabeleaEditing: Ana-Maria CarabeleaMusic: Karl Julian SchmidingerThe Digital Deal Podcast is part of European Digital Deal, a project co-funded by Creative Europe and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the host and guests only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for them.
Regendering Technology
Send us a textIn this episode, we look at the historical entanglements of technology and gender. Made in the image of their (often male) designers, technologies end up serving and reproducing patriarchal systems. How can technology finally "undergo a sex change" to overcome its current gender inscriptions? What political imaginaries make that possible, or become possible through feminist approaches to technology? Host Ana-Maria Carabelea tries to answer these questions in conversation with Professor Judy Wajcman and visual and multimedia artist Silvia Binda.Resources:Baltan Laboratories, Technology OtherwiseData Feminism by Catherine D'Ignazio and Lauren F. KleinOffDACBooks by our guests:Feminism Confronts Technology by Judy WajcmanTechnoFeminism by Judy WajcmanPressed for Time: The Acceleration of Life in Digital Capitalism by Judy WajcmanHost & Producer: Ana-Maria CarabeleaEditing: Ana-Maria CarabeleaMusic: Karl Julian Schmidinger________________________Host & Producer: Ana-Maria CarabeleaEditing: Ana-Maria CarabeleaMusic: Karl Julian SchmidingerThe Digital Deal Podcast is part of European Digital Deal, a project co-funded by Creative Europe and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the host and guests only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for them.
As our world expands beyond physical frontiers into digital spaces, old forms of governance are forced to go through thorough revisions. The Digital Deal Podcast, invites artists, cultural critics and theorists, and AI experts to discuss how new technologies reshape our democracies and help us make sense of these changes.The Digital Deal Podcast is part of the European Digital Deal - a three-year project that investigates the accelerated and often unconsidered adoption of new technologies and their impact on society. If you want to find out more about the project, check out our website European Digital Deal is co-funded by Creative Europe and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport. Views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the host and guests only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for them. Host & Producer: Ana-Maria CarabeleaMusic, Mixing & Editing: Karl Julian Schmidinger