Talking about issues that fat people and their admirers face in relationships, media, and society. Dan and Trevor (chaser/chub) bring expert opinions on the sub...
Join us for the 6th Annual Chubby Awards, presenting the best of last year’s fat representation in business, community, and entertainment.
Episode 211: Leftover Party Meatballs
This week the boys talk about a male athlete being trolled for supposedly wearing a sports bra and the BBC’s interview with a plus-size male model during London Fashion Week. Then we discuss one-night stands.
Announcement: The Chubbies and BiggerVegas Live
We’re out of the studio this week but wanted to share some programing updates. We’ll be back with a new episode on March 5th!
Episode 210: Empire of Chonkin' Fatass Woofers
The boys talk about a German expert accusing Peppa Pig of fat shaming, a Breakfast Club interview with the fat rapper suing Lyft for size discrimination, and the new show “Same Dress Different Bodies.” Then we discuss people fat-shaming their pets.
Episode 209: Fat Fat Away
Happy Valentine's Day! This week the boys discuss a Wicked plus-sized dancer, Debra DiGiovanni's late nite debut, and 3 tips for navigating medical weight stigma. Then we cozy in the swamp for Shrek 2.
Talking about issues that fat people and their admirers face in relationships, media, and society. Dan and Trevor (chaser/chub) bring expert opinions on the subjects while Don and Michael (chub/chaser) bring anecdotal experience and lots of questions. Two chubs, two chasers; two Millennials, two Gen-Xers; two experts, two laymen. A well-rounded bunch!