Who said that Mondays have to be dreadful? If work were conceived as a means to express who we are, to fulfill our passion, purpose, and identity, wouldn't we a...
🇬🇧TGIM #19 - How can we integrate nature-based thinking in answering organizational questions? with Katherine Long
In this episode, Katherine Long and Selio Verzera explore the complexities of today's era, organizations, and their dis-connection with nature-based thinking. Katherine offers a different perspective on how we can weave our dreams and our individual intentions into a cohesive fabric, fostering community and societal growth and bridging the gap between personal aspirations and collective fulfillment.
How do we weave and organize ourselves at whatever level, individual, community, societal, as nature? How might we bridge individual aspirations with community growth?
Drawing from her childhood and work, Katherine explained the profound experience of being in close contact with nature, even for a few minutes. Being in nature in a certain way automatically takes people to an intense place where they feel, on different levels, the feeling of “own insignificance” standing at the foot of thousands of years old trees. Then, it is possible to recreate the proper condition for all living systems' innate capacity to heal.
When we understand that, some core principles and practices can support that healing at any level, and then we bring that healing or regenerative presence wherever we go, also in an organization. Katherine and Stelio speak about regenerative work as a pathway to peace—a different idea of working with the ecology of competition and collaboration, looking at what happens in nature and letting her teach us a more healthy ecology at work.
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Ketherine hosts liberating dialogue spaces exploring themes such as regenerative practice, applying healing principles in all of life, and navigating the journey into Elderhood. Her work centres on leadership, organisation development and Nature-based inquiry.
Would you like to listen to this episode in Italian or Spanish? Let us know here: [email protected]
🇮🇹 TGIM #18 - Come può il lavoro essere un volano di giustizia sociale? con Rita Sinorita Fierro
In questo episodio Letizia Piangerelli e Rita Sinorita Fierro esplorano il legame invisibile che esiste tra bellezza del lavoro, razzismo e giustizia sociale. Traendo spunto dalle sue diverse esperienze di vita e lavoro a cavallo tra Italia e Stati Uniti, Rita condivide la sua visione su come fare scelte giuste in un mondo ingiusto, vedere la bellezza e l'umanità anche nelle situazioni più difficili e su come portare avanti trasformazioni sociali sistemiche in istituzioni resistenti al cambiamento, partendo dal lavoro su di sé.
Nel condividere storie personali e collettive di guarigione e resilienza, Rita riflette sul ruolo della paura nel perpetuare le ingiustizie e sull'impatto del trauma istituzionalizzato nella nostra società, sottolineando come sia possibile immaginare e costruire un mondo più giusto, dove la compassione, il dialogo e la comprensione prendano il posto di forme di giustizia punitive e divisive.
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Rita è autrice, speaker e coach a livello internazionale, esperta di temi relativi alla giustizia sociale. Nel suo lavoro supporta i changemaker che desiderano fare la differenza anche quando lavorano in istituzioni che resistono al cambiamento. Ha un dottorato in Studi Afro-Americani presso la Temple University di Philadelphia e un master in Sociologia presso l'Università di Roma. Con la società di cui è fondatrice, Fierro Consulting, da oltre 30 anni porta avanti progetti di ricerca, valutazione e facilitazione con enti profit e non profit e agenzie internazionali, tra cui le Nazioni Unite, su quattro continenti.
Link e risorse:
Rita su Linkedin
Il suo libro: Digging up the seeds of White supremacy
Vorresti ascoltare questo episodio in Inglese o in Spagnolo? Faccelo sapere qui: [email protected]
🇬🇧 TGIM #17 - How can work be an enabler of life beyond the office?
In this episode, Isabela Caria and Rafael Perez explore the multifaceted nature of work environments and the beauty that lies within them. Drawing from his diverse experiences across entrepreneurship, HR and design, Rafael shares his insights on:
The professional multiverse and the perception of not having to be tied down to a single career
The changing perception of the work-life relationship between generations
The obstacles that can be faced towards a reality of beautiful work like companies failing to be transparent, the misalignment of expectations, the care towards emotions
The role that self-awareness and ownership over your own choices play in finding the type of work and/or organization you want to be with
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Here is how Rafael Perez presents himself: I’m Rafael, an open-minded explorer from Brazil. I’ve been living in Barcelona since 2020, where I got my masters in Design Management. Since college I’ve developed a desire to get to know the world, so I traveled and lived in 4 different countries before coming to Spain. In my free time, I like to practice coffee and my skills as a barista, one of my favorite hobbies beyond my profession as designer. I have a strong background and passion for people management, change management and strategy, and it is inside this sweet spot that I’ve been trying to work and improve organizations. During 4 years in Brazil I had my own consultancy company, supporting big companies on their transformation path using design thinking as an approach. And now since I got to Spain I'm working with Nacar Design, a design agency based in Barcelona, first as HR Manager and then as Principal Designer, being the focal point between design teams, client and the agency.
Link and resources: Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness - Frederic Laloux, Ken Wilber https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20787425-reinventing-organizations
Would you like to listen to this episode in Italian or Spanish? Let us know here: [email protected]
🇪🇸 TGIM #16 - ¿Qué actitudes y preguntas nos ayudan a replantear nuestra forma de trabajar? Con Alfons Cornella
En este episodio, Anna Montanari y Alfons Cornella exploran la idea de estar presente en el trabajo y de vivirlo de manera auténtica. ¿Acabas el día y piensas o recuerdas qué es lo que has hecho o ha simplemente sido cumplir con una rutina?
A través de anécdotas, metáforas y ejemplos desde su extensa experiencia profesional, Alfons destaca la importancia de tener una actitud rebelde y apasionada - es decir, la capacidad de hacer preguntas poderosas y cuestionar el status quo, tanto a nivel personal como organizacional.
Además, nos invita a reflexionar sobre cómo la inteligencia artificial puede ser una herramienta poderosa para resolver problemas rutinarios sin reemplazar la plasticidad y el aprendizaje del cerebro humano; tanto como la colaboración intergeneracional puede aportar valor para enfrentar los desafíos futuros.
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Alfons es consultor y fundador de Infonomia y del Institute of Next (https://www.instituteofnext.com/), empresas de servicios para repensar el futuro de las empresas y las organizaciones, con un enfoque especial en Innovación de modelos de negocio. En la actualidad, también se enfoca en la Curiosidad como ventaja competitiva de las organizaciones (curiosityatelier.com), y en la formación de profesionales Edgers que transforman las empresas (somosedgers.com). Ha escrito 40 libros, así como cientos de artículos breves sobre innovación, negocios y tecnología, desde la perspectiva de la transformación de las organizaciones. Participa como profesor invitado en programas de diversas universidades y escuelas de negocio.
¿Te gustaría escuchar este episodio en inglés o en italiano? Háznoslo saber aquí: [email protected]
Enlaces y recursos:
El orden del tiempo - Carlo Rovelli
🇬🇧 TGIM #15 - How can embracing uncertainties redefine work, life, and purpose? with Rachel Hentsch
In this episode Anna Montanari and Rachel Hentsch delve into the intricate relationship between life and work, challenging conventional definitions and exploring the blurred lines between professional endeavors and personal fulfillment.
How do you find comfort in taking risks, and when do you trust the process versus letting go? What does work look like when it combines different mediums and emerges from collaborative processes? What lessons can flying ultralight planes teach about following instincts?
Drawing from a rich spectrum of professional experience, adventurous hobbies and the rollercoasters of motherhood, Rachel uncovers the profound value of generosity and community in work. With brave vulnerability, humility and intuitive power she offers a unique perspective on what it takes to embrace uncertainties and serendipity. Her approach emphasises the importance of ‘being together’ to explore new potential and tap into purposeful endeavors that transcends personal limitations.
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Rachel is an Innovative Communications Strategist & Connector who brings more than 20 years of practical organizational wizardry to the table. She’s Communications Lead at Presencing Institute and Visual DJ at International Bateson Institute where she mixes artistry and innovation to craft visual tales that ignite minds and inspire conversations, turning the abstract into the unforgettable. From navigating the joyful chaos of raising a family of five to pursuing a kaleidoscope of personal passions (including winning the 2015 Lazio regional dirt biking title), Rachel thrives on a vibrant, offbeat approach to life. Her daily mantra? Carpe diem with a side of quirk.
Link and resources:
21 days of Abundance - Meditation series. Deepak Chopra
Collaborating with the Enemy: How to Work with People You Don't Agree with or Like or Trust - Adam Kahane
Combining - Nora Bateson
Would you like to listen to this episode in Italian or Spanish? Let us know here: [email protected]
Who said that Mondays have to be dreadful? If work were conceived as a means to express who we are, to fulfill our passion, purpose, and identity, wouldn't we all consider it as blessing? In fact, it is already. What is needed is helping each other see it and gathering the courage to dare become it.
Join us every Monday as we dive into the world of people who are living examples of Beautiful Work. If you want to feed yourself with stories and ideas on how to make it happen for you, then tune in!
Episodes in English, Italian and Spanish.