Careers in Competition: Alba Ribera Martínez, lecturer in EU Competition Law
Lena Hornkohl talks with Alba Ribera Martínez, one of the most promising young scholars currently working on EU competition law and, more specifically, on the Digital Markets Act and the digital economy. They discuss the first steps in developing a successful academic career and the current research scenario in competition law in Europe.
Careers in Competition: Victor Fernandes, member of the Administrative Tribunal at CADE, Brazil
Lewis Reed talks in depth with Victor Fernandes about his career in competition law in Brazil, his early days in academia and his work at the Administrative Tribunal of the Administrative Council for Economic Defence (CADE).
Careers in Competition: Ruprecht Podzsun, Chair of Competition Law at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf
Careers in Competition: Lena Hornkohl and David Pérez de Lamo talk with Professor Ruprecht Podzsun about a career in academia and competition law, exploring the track record of one of Europe's most impressive scholars working in the field.
A conversation with Silvia Retamales, member of the Chilean Competition Tribunal
Lena Hornkohl talks with Silvia Retamales, member of the Chilean Competition Tribunal, about her career in academia and practice.
Careers in Competition: Spencer Weber Waller, Professor at Loyola University of Chicago
Lena Hornkohl talks with Spencer Weber Waller, Professor and Director of the Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies at Loyola University of Chicago, on the development of an academic career in competition law in the United States.