This podcast is for Catholic women who find themselves living the single life — whether it's by choice, vocation, or circumstance. Here, we believe that this ti...
EP. 7: Limiting Beliefs and the Single Life - Part II
We're back with the second part of this conversation about limiting beliefs when it comes to the single life. If you haven't listened to the previous episode you'll want to listen to that before tuning into this week's episode.
Ep 6: Limiting Beliefs and the Single Life - Part I
This week we're launching into a discussion on limiting beliefs that we might have about our state in life and how to reframe them in a way that encourages growth and grace. This is the first part of a two-part discussion on this topic! Have a limiting belief or thought from this episode? Reach out to us on Instagram @singlenotstalled or via email [email protected]
Ep 5: Don't Die and the Longevity Movement
This week, we're diving into one of the newest Netflix documentaries - Don't Die - to discuss the longevity movement, our culture's obsession with living forever, and how we're called to sanctify today.
Ep 4: Sanctifying Your Work
We are all called to sanctify the place in life we occupy now. For those of us who are single, that means sanctifying our work (and our studies if we are still a student). So let's dive into what that looks like!
Ep 3: The Importance of Friendship
As social beings by nature, we crave human connection. In your single state you have a unique opportunity to cultivate deep, meaningful, lasting friendships.
This podcast is for Catholic women who find themselves living the single life — whether it's by choice, vocation, or circumstance. Here, we believe that this time is not just a waiting period but a season rich with purpose, growth, and grace. Join your hosts, Monica Hinderer and Katie Hinderer, two sisters navigating the single life from different perspectives, as we dive into conversations about faith, friendships, professional growth, and finding joy in the everyday.