Do you need to renew your residence permit? Or do you need a visa? This is where you will learn the terms you need when you talk about immigration and asylum.
6 Where do you live?
Do you live in Germany or abroad? In the country or in the city? Using these terms and expressions, you can describe your place of residence to others.
75 Applying for a job
Are you looking for a job? This is where you will learn the vocabulary you need for applications – from CV to job interview. Hopefully you'll get a job in the end!
58 Breakfast
Coffee, eggs and fresh rolls – or would you rather eat cereal? Get your day off to a good start with a yummy breakfast. This is where you will learn everything that goes with it.
52 Partying
Weekend at last! Be it a bar or a club – now you can go out and celebrate with your friends. Learn words and phrases for the next party outing.
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