Maggie and Derek have actually been on and off after dating for a year and a half, but recently they have both started talking to one another. Maggie tells us that they first broke up because Derek wasn’t ready for a long-term relationship and needed to grow up, but since then things have been better. However, Maggie noticed over the weekend that Derek stopped sharing his location even though he was checking in on Maggie’s stories throughout the weekend. Maggie isn’t sure what happened, but she’s pretty sure Derek is cheating on her. We call Derek pretending to be The Morning Bull Ride and ask who the last person who he saw naked is, but Derek tells us it could be one of two names. Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses!
The Yappy Hour!
Brooke and Scott have been dating for a little over eight months after meeting each other at work. Brooke tells us that they have kept things under wrap at work just to avoid their co-workers, but for the most part things have been great. However, Brooke noticed that at a recent “Yappy Hour” that their office had that Scott’s dog ran to one of his female coworkers Morgan as if they knew each other well. Brooke isn’t sure what that means, but she’s starting to worry that Scott’s old reputation of being a player might be true still. We call Scott pretending to offer him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask who Scott wants them sent to, he asks if we can send them someone named Michelle. Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses!
The Work Phone!
Lauren and Ben have been dating one another for a little over three months after meeting at a bar almost four months ago. Lauren tells us that things have been great for the most part, but she has noticed that Ben started texting her from a different phone, which Ben claimed was his work phone. At the same time, Lauren has noticed that Ben texts Lauren about calling her before he actually does. Lauren isn’t exactly sure what’s going on, but she asks for our help to see what’s going on. We call Ben pretending to offer him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask who Ben wants them sent to, he asks if we can send them to his wife Kim.. Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses!
The Extra Cable!
Hannah and Jeremy have been dating for a little over a year after first meeting each other on Hinge. Hannah tells us things have been great except she has never actually spent the night at Jeremy’s place. She has gone over to his place, but every time it gets late, Jeremy comes up with excuses. This past weekend Hannah actually found a charging cord for a “shaky thing” that she know she and Jeremy have never used and she’s starting to question if Jeremy is seeing someone else. We call Jeremy pretending to offer him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask who Jeremy wants them sent to, he asks if we can send them to him so he can deliver them to whoever he is seeing tonight. Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses!
The Intimate Package
Ellie and Andrew have been dating for a little over two months after first meeting on Tinder about a month before. Ellie tells us that she is currently dog-sitting for Andrew at his house while he’s away for work and has been noticing a ton of packages for someone named Abigail that keep getting delivered to his place. Ellie decided to open one of the packages and saw that they were intimate items and she’s starting to think that she isn’t the only person Andrew is currently seeing. We call Andrew pretending to offer him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask who Andrew wants them sent to, he asks if we can send them to someone named Nicolei. Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses!