Whether we are talking to artists about food, with chefs about art, or with each other about both, you are sure to leave every episode having learned something ...
Episode 23: Exploring American Muslim Histories with Aymann Ismail
Aymann Ismail is an accomplished journalist with a deep passion for stories that pertain to American Muslims, a passion that is explored in the upcoming docuseries “American Muslims: A History Revealed”. Join us in this episode as we discuss the history of Muslims in the US, journalism as a Muslim, and a deep dive into the history of the only food created exclusively by American Muslims: the Bean Pie!
Episode 22: The Past, Present and Future of Muslim Comedy with Preacher Moss
Join us in this intimate chat with the OG Muslim comedian, practitioner of ‘protest comedy’, lover of jazz music, and our latest guest of honor: Preacher Moss. We talk about the art form of comedy, his history on building the Muslim comedy scene, as well as pontificating on the current and future states of comedy from within the Muslim community. This episode was sponsored by Tandoori Grill in San Jose.
Episode 21: Cannabis in Islam: Halal or Haram?
What is cannabis, why is it relevant to the Muslim community in the West, and is cannabis consumption even Halal? Is this a modern debate within the Muslim community, or a tale as old as our religion itself? What are Islamic scholars saying about cannabis consumption and industry? Are the health benefits true or is there no value to the plant? What can you do if you know someone whose developed an unhealthy habit? We sit with all these questions in our discussion with Ishaq Ali, a cannabis industry veteran and co-founder of Halal Hemp. Tune into the episode for a deep dive into this topic, and journey with us as we explore these questions.
Episode 20: Global Halal Certification - A Deep Dive with Tariq and Jalel of ISA (Islamic Society of America)
Today we talk with Tariq and Jalel of the Islamic Services of America, a major certifier and educator in the global Halal industry. We take a deep dive into Halal certification, the complexities involved in creating Halal standards especially when you consider differences in Madhahib, and even broach more modern topics of discussion, including lab-grown meats, and cannabis.
Episode 19: Exploring Halal Certification with Shaykh Jabir of HFSAA
In this episode, we discuss Halal Meat Certification with Shaykh Jabir Tarin of HFSAA, the Halal Food Standards Alliance of America. HFSAA is a well-known and respected Halal certifying body that started in the San Francisco Bay area, and now certifies Halal restaurants across many metropolitan areas of the US. We talk about the process of getting certified, explore differences between hand and machine-slaughtered Halal, and reflect on how far the Halal meat industry and food scene have come over the last few decades.
Whether we are talking to artists about food, with chefs about art, or with each other about both, you are sure to leave every episode having learned something new.