Let’s talk about poverty—its causes and solutions, and the beautiful, messy attempts people all over Canada are making to help. Listen in as host Shelaine chats...
with guest Patty-Leigh Thielmann from Food for the Hungry CanadaTurn on your faucet at home. Aren’t you astounded by how water is instantly at your fingertips? How that happens every time you go to the sink? How it’s fresh and clean? How that water doesn’t run dry or make your family sick? It’s actually incredible! Yet, for too many families around the world, access to safe water is still not a reality. Yet, in FH partner communities, the tide is turning!Patty-Leigh Thielmann, VP of International Programs at Food for the Hungry (FH) Canada, highlights how access to clean water can transform lives in profound (and sometimes unexpected!) ways. Clean water is not only essential for health but also foundational for offering hope to families trapped in poverty. While it may seem obvious that clean water sparks a ripple effect of positive change, the details might surprise you. Discover how safe water is creating lasting impact and bringing waves of hope to generations.For more, check out FH Canada's wholistic work - water included! - at fhcanada.org.
Expanding Horizons By Expanding Hope
with guest Lindsay Machona, Executive Director at Expand HopeHere, they ached to help in a meaningful way. There, they ached for better schools. So, when two communities—at first foreign to each other—came together with a common goal, who stood to benefit the most? Lindsey Machona, the Executive Director of Expand Hope, shares how mutual transformation and lasting change is possible and happening today through the partnership between a community of Canadians at Expand Hope and a community in rural Guatemala. Learn how the lives of Guatemalans and Canadians alike are changing for the better by walking together and focusing on quality education.Recommended Resources:Expand Hope - websiteFH's work in Guatemala - webpageEpisode hosted by Shelaine.
How rent banks help in a housing crisis
with guest Melissa Giles of BC Rent Bank.Rental prices are a hot topic of conversation these days. With increased cost of living and housing shortages, everyone is feeling the pressure. For those living in a low to moderate income bracket, paying the rent can be challenging at the best of times—then when a crisis hits, it can become near impossible. This is where rent banks, an eviction prevention and housing stability resource for renters, can step into the gap.Melissa Giles, Managing Director at BC Rent Bank, explains what rent banks do, who is eligible to access them, and why they can be a critical resource for many Canadians who are struggling to pay rent due to a crisis or change in their situation. Learn how BC Rent Bank helps residents stay in their homes through an empathetic and dignifying process.
Can building resilience end poverty?
with guest Jonathan Papoulidis, VP of External Engagement at Food for the Hungry. Can communities in the world’s most fragile regions, despite constant challenges, not only survive but thrive? In this episode, we’re joined by Jonathan Papoulidis, Vice President of External Engagement at Food for the Hungry, to dive into the power of resilience. Jonathan shares how resilience—through absorptive, adaptive, and transformative strategies—can turn the tide in the fight against poverty. FH partner communities facing instability are building stronger futures, even in the face of crises. Tune in to discover how resilience is the game-changer in ending poverty.Recommended Resources:FH and Resilience - webpageEpisode hosted by Shelaine.
Helping kids respond to poverty
with guest Kenzie Watson, Pastor of Children’s Ministries at Lambrick Park ChurchHave you talked to your kids about poverty? Of all the things to teach children, this may be far down your list—too complicated, too jarring for their young minds, and too uncomfortable a topic. But poverty, in your neighbourhood or around the world, is simply unavoidable and we should not shirk helping our kids navigate what they see and hear and experience.Kenzie Watson, Pastor of Children’s Ministries at Lambrick Park Church, shares how we adults often needlessly complicate our responses or avoid talking with kids about poverty. Rather, Kenzie pushes us to start the conversation by sharing with kids why facing poverty is important—it's rooted in our call to generously love our neighbors as Jesus does. Kids get this, and their perspectives can be powerful. You may be surprised at how a child will address solutions to poverty.Recommended Resources:Poverty—No Kidding - curriculum for childrenLambrick Park Church - websiteEpisode hosted by Shelaine.
Let’s talk about poverty—its causes and solutions, and the beautiful, messy attempts people all over Canada are making to help. Listen in as host Shelaine chats with Canadian experts working to overcome poverty.
Together you’ll tackle tough questions, cover hot topics, and hear true stories. Explore with us how ordinary people can create lasting change. What are Canadians doing about poverty in your neighbourhood, across Canada, and around the world? What can YOU do?
The Ending Poverty Together Podcast is an initiative of Food for the Hungry (FH) Canada, a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to ending poverty – one community at a time. Together with bold Canadian partners, FH Canada walks alongside the most vulnerable communities throughout the developing world as they strive toward sustainability.