This is a detective story that’s unsolved. Hosted by investigative reporter Antonio Regalado, Curious Coincidence dives into the mysterious origins of Covid-19 ...
Is some knowledge too dangerous to possess? Covid-19 has put cutting-edge research on pandemic germs under the spotlight.
We Meet:
Rowan Jacobsen, journalist
Gigi Gronvall, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and associate professor
Kevin Esvelt, professor and head of Sculpting Evolution Group, MIT Media Lab
Senator Paul and Dr. Fauci Clash Over Research Funding of Wuhan Lab, C-SPAN
Inside the risky bat-virus engineering that links America to Wuhan, MIT Technology Review
“We never created a supervirus.” Ralph Baric explains gain-of-function research, MIT Technology Review
Manipulating viruses and risking pandemics is too dangerous. It’s time to stop, Washington Post
Curious Coincidence was produced as part of MIT Technology Review's Pandemic Technology Project, which is supported in part by a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation. The series was created by Antonio Regalado and Jennifer Strong and produced by Anthony Green, Luke Robert Mason and Lindsay Muscato, with help from Emma Cillekens. The executive producer is Golda Arthur. Theme music was composed and recorded by Jacob Gorski, with Ben Tolliday on cello and Ben Haeuser on woodwinds. The episodes contain original scoring and sound design by Garret Lang. Art direction by Eric Mongeon with illustration by Selman Design. The series was edited by Michael Reilly, David Rotman and Jennifer Strong, with fact checking by Matt Mahoney.
Scientists zero in on a market in the city of Wuhan as the place the pandemic started. But information on China’s wild-animal trade is hard to uncover.
We Meet:
Michael Standaert, freelance journalist based in China
Alex Crits-Christoph, bioinformatician, Johns Hopkins University
Matthew Pottinger, former deputy national security adviser
Ho-fung Hung, political economist, Johns Hopkins University
No one can find the animal that gave people covid-19, MIT Technology Review
In search for coronavirus origins, Hubei caves and wildlife farms draw new scrutiny, The Washington Post
The Huanan market was the epicenter of SARS-CoV-2 emergence, Zenodo
Holding Beijing Accountable For The Coronavirus Is Not Racist, Journal of Political Risk
Curious Coincidence was produced as part of MIT Technology Review's Pandemic Technology Project, which is supported in part by a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation.
The series was created by Antonio Regalado and Jennifer Strong and produced by Anthony Green, Luke Robert Mason and Lindsay Muscato, with help from Emma Cillekens. The executive producer is Golda Arthur.
Theme music was composed and recorded by Jacob Gorski, with Ben Tolliday on cello and Ben Haeuser on woodwinds. The episodes contain original scoring and sound design by Garret Lang.
Art direction by Eric Mongeon with illustration by Selman Design.
The series was edited by Michael Reilly, David Rotman and Jennifer Strong, with fact checking by Matt Mahoney.
Lab accidents have caused disease outbreaks before, and accidents are more common - and kept more secret - than you think.
We Meet:
Alison Young, journalism professor, Missouri School of Journalism
Gigi Gronvall, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and associate professor Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Biolabs in your backyard, USA Today
The Reemergent 1977 H1N1 Strain and the Gain-of-Function Debate, Michelle Rozo & Gigi Gronvall, ASM Journals
Influenza: Old and New Threats, Peter Palese, Nature Medicine
Curious Coincidence was produced as part of MIT Technology Review's Pandemic Technology Project, which is supported in part by a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation.
The series was created by Antonio Regalado and Jennifer Strong and produced by Anthony Green, Luke Robert Mason and Lindsay Muscato, with help from Emma Cillekens. The executive producer is Golda Arthur.
Theme music was composed and recorded by Jacob Gorski, with Ben Tolliday on cello and Ben Haeuser on woodwinds. The episodes contain original scoring and sound design by Garret Lang.
Art direction by Eric Mongeon with illustration by Selman Design.
The series was edited by Michael Reilly, David Rotman and Jennifer Strong, with fact checking by Matt Mahoney.
A group of self-appointed online investigators decide to investigate a Chinese lab. Their findings only deepen doubts.
We meet:
The Seeker, internet sleuth
Rowan Jacobsen, journalist
Meet the scientist at the center of the covid lab leak controversy, MIT Technology Review
Curious Coincidence was produced as part of MIT Technology Review's Pandemic Technology Project, which is supported in part by a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation.
The series was created by Antonio Regalado and Jennifer Strong and produced by Anthony Green, Luke Robert Mason and Lindsay Muscato, with help from Emma Cillekens. The executive producer is Golda Arthur.
Theme music was composed and recorded by Jacob Gorski, with Ben Tolliday on cello and Ben Haeuser on woodwinds. The episodes contain original scoring and sound design by Garret Lang.
Art direction by Eric Mongeon with illustration by Selman Design.
The series was edited by Michael Reilly, David Rotman and Jennifer Strong, with fact checking by Matt Mahoney.
Why we need to find the truth, and the “curious coincidence” that set off a battle over covid-19’s origin.
We Meet:
Peter Ben Embarek, WHO program manager and covid-19 origins mission leader
Jesse Bloom, virologist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Alina Chan, postdoc, Broad Institute of MIT/Harvard
Natasha Loder, health policy editor with The Economist
On Finding Answers, by Natasha Loder on Substack
They called it a conspiracy theory. But Alina Chan tweeted life into the idea that the virus came from a lab, MIT Technology Review
No one can find the animal that gave people covid-19, MIT Technology Review
Curious Coincidence was produced as part of MIT Technology Review's Pandemic Technology Project, which is supported in part by a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation.
The series was created by Antonio Regalado and Jennifer Strong and produced by Anthony Green, Luke Robert Mason and Lindsay Muscato, with help from Emma Cillekens. The executive producer is Golda Arthur.
Theme music was composed and recorded by Jacob Gorski, with Ben Tolliday on cello and Ben Haeuser on woodwinds. The episodes contain original scoring and sound design by Garret Lang.
Art direction by Eric Mongeon with illustration by Selman Design.
The series was edited by Michael Reilly, David Rotman and Jennifer Strong, with fact checking by Matt Mahoney.
This is a detective story that’s unsolved. Hosted by investigative reporter Antonio Regalado, Curious Coincidence dives into the mysterious origins of Covid-19 by examining the genome of the virus, the labs doing sensitive research on dangerous pathogens, and questions of whether a lab accident may have touched off a global pandemic.