How is global warming shaping our lives? And what can we do about it? We connect the dots, from fossil fuels to extreme weather, clean energy to public health, ...
A Colorado couple invested in wildfire protection for their home. It paid off
Months before a wildfire, they’d taken steps to prevent fires from reaching their house. Learn more at
How a solar job training program changed one woman’s life
Today, Jacinta Goggles is working to expand solar access on the Wind River Reservation. Learn more at
Heat pump water heater: climate hero?
Western utilities are testing the potential of heat pump water heaters to heat up water during times when solar energy is abundant. Learn more at
Wildfire survivor says it should be easier for the public to access satellite information
Brianna Pagán, a satellite expert, lost her home in a wildfire. Learn more at
Natural building material could be used for safer refugee housing
Jutin, a material made from jute, can be used to build sturdy yet lightweight structures that stay cooler during summer heat. Learn more at
How is global warming shaping our lives? And what can we do about it? We connect the dots, from fossil fuels to extreme weather, clean energy to public health, and more. Join Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz of Yale University for a daily 90-second podcast about climate change, where we confront reality and share inspiring stories of hope.