Get smart quickly on climate change. This award-winning MIT podcast, Today I Learned: Climate, breaks down the science, technologies, and policies behind climat...
A new type of climate science is allowing us to draw clearer connections between our warming planet, and the extreme weather events this warming creates. Thanks to “climate change attribution,” scientists can now say confidently when climate change has made a heatwave or hurricane more likely, and by how much. Dr. Andrew Pershing explains how attribution science works, and why this information is useful for understanding and adapting to a warming world.For a deeper dive and additional resources related to this episode, visit: more episodes of TILclimate by the MIT Climate Project, visit CreditsLaur Hesse Fisher, Host and Senior EditorAaron Krol, Writer and Executive ProducerDavid Lishansky, Editor and ProducerGrace Sawin, Student Production AssistantMichelle Harris, Fact CheckerMusic by Blue Dot SessionsArtwork by Aaron Krol
Hasn't the climate changed before?
The Earth has gone through massive climate change before—many times over, in fact!—but human civilization has not. Prof. David McGee, a specialist in the study of ancient climates, joins the show to explain what came before the 10,000 years of global stability in which complex human societies emerged and grew. Along the way, we explore the scientific tools used to study the distant past, the great cycles of the ice ages, and what it can all tell us about the climate change we’re experiencing today.For a deeper dive and additional resources related to this episode, visit: more episodes of TILclimate by the MIT Climate Project, visit CreditsLaur Hesse Fisher, Host and Senior EditorAaron Krol, Writer and Executive ProducerDavid Lishansky, Editor and ProducerGrace Sawin, Student Production AssistantMichelle Harris, Fact CheckerMusic by Blue Dot SessionsArtwork by Aaron Krol
Farm to table, with a side of fossil fuels
The way we grow and distribute food today is deeply dependent on fossil fuels, yet that dependence can feel invisible. Sustainable food systems researcher Prof. Jennifer Clapp joins the show to walk us through all the ways fossil fuels are used to produce one simple food item: a tortilla chip. Along the way, we’ll explore the hard work being done to eliminate climate pollution from the food we eat.For a deeper dive and additional resources related to this episode, visit: more episodes of TILclimate by the MIT Climate Project, visit CreditsLaur Hesse Fisher, Host and Senior EditorAaron Krol, Writer and Executive ProducerDavid Lishansky, Editor and ProducerGrace Sawin, Student Production AssistantMichelle Harris, Fact CheckerMusic by Blue Dot SessionsArtwork by Aaron Krol
2°C: the story of the global climate goal
The landmark Paris Agreement of 2015 gave the world a shared target for halting climate change: that global warming should stop well short of 2 degrees Celsius. But how did that target come about, and what exactly does it mean? Prof. Maria Ivanova, a specialist in international environmental policy, shares with us the history and diplomacy behind those crucial 2 degrees.For a deeper dive and additional resources related to this episode, visit: For more episodes of TILclimate by the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative, visit CreditsLaur Hesse Fisher, Host and Executive ProducerDavid Lishansky, Editor and ProducerAaron Krol, Writer and ProducerLindsay Fendt, Science ReporterMichelle Harris, Fact CheckerMusic by Blue Dot SessionsArtwork by Aaron Krol
Slow carbon, fast carbon
The Earth naturally absorbs some of our climate pollution from burning fossil fuels. But how much, and how fast? Geophysicist Prof. Daniel Rothman joins the podcast to explain the nature and scale of the natural carbon cycle, and how our appetite for fossil fuels has pushed it out of balance.For a deeper dive and additional resources related to this episode, visit: For more episodes of TILclimate by the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative, visit CreditsLaur Hesse Fisher, Host and Executive ProducerDavid Lishansky, Editor and ProducerAaron Krol, Writer and ProducerAndrew Moseman, Science ReporterMichelle Harris, Fact CheckerMusic by Blue Dot SessionsArtwork by Aaron Krol
Get smart quickly on climate change. This award-winning MIT podcast, Today I Learned: Climate, breaks down the science, technologies, and policies behind climate change, how it’s impacting us, and what our society can do about it. Each quick episode gives you the what, why, and how on climate change — from real scientists — to help us all make informed decisions for our future.