Mar 13, 2025 | Mark Klein, AT&T whistleblower dies, Gemini Robotics, The DuckDB Local UI
This is a recap of the top 10 posts on Hacker News on Mar 13, 2025.Mark Klein, AT&T whistleblower who revealed NSA mass spying, has died Robotics DuckDB Local UI file transfers in the browser 3 Technical Report [pdf] Mozilla: it's time to ditch Google Future Is Niri Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption stopped everything and started writing C again HN: Time Portal – Get dropped into history, guess where you landed
Mar 12, 2025 | 10x faster TypeScript, Y Combinator's 20th birthday, Factorio Learning Environment with agents
This is a recap of the top 10 posts on Hacker News on Mar 12, 2025.A 10x Faster TypeScript 20th Birthday, Y Combinator HN: Factorio Learning Environment – Agents Build Factories GPU-accelerated, fast, and interactive plotting library makes code hard to read: Visual patterns of complexity (2023) tools for building agents Startup CTO's Handbook US island that speaks Elizabethan English to launch space observatory that will map 450M galaxies 3 Technical Report [pdf]
Mar 11, 2025 | Canon lenses autofocus motors, music labels vs. Internet Archive, Ecosia prioritizes trees over profits
This is a recap of the top 10 posts on Hacker News on Mar 11, 2025.Canon EF and RF Lenses – All Autofocus Motors labels will regret coming for the Internet Archive, sound historian says not profits: we're giving up our right to ever sell Ecosia (2018) Artificial Intelligence Foundations of Reinforcement Learning HN: Seven39, a social media app that is only open for 3 hours every eveninghttps://www.seven39.com So powerful, it's kind of ridiculous (2023) Radio for Engineers (2018) [pdf] made the Irish famine so deadly update bricks HP printers, makes them unable to use HP cartridges
Mar 10, 2025 | Phone experience, Tesla's secret team for range complaints, using Claude Code
This is a recap of the top 10 posts on Hacker News on Mar 10, 2025.It is as if you were on your phone created secret team to suppress driving range complaints (2023)'ve been using Claude Code for a couple of days Exclaves is teaming up with Qwant to build a European search index RFI Waves – Part Seven researchers develop dual-antibody treatment for ALL SARS-CoV-2 variants of the Python 3.14 tail-call interpreter HN: Evolving Agents Framework on std:count_if()'s auto-vectorization
Mar 9, 2025 | AI tools detect research errors, Volkswagen brings back physical controls, DOJ pushes for Google to divest Chrome
This is a recap of the top 10 posts on Hacker News on Mar 9, 2025.AI tools are spotting errors in research papers reintroducing physical controls for vital functions DOJ still wants Google to sell off Chrome 16-month theanine self-experiment HN: I built an app to get daily wisdom from Mr. Worldwide Rules Markdown Slideshows in the Terminal program is the database is the interface errors in Donald Knuth's TAOCP Read: Lessons from Building Semantic Search for GitHub and Why I Failed