Learn Russian with comprehensible input! Short real-life stories to improve your Russian listening and speaking skills (for beginners and low-intermediate). Wit...
A2. Любимые праздники в России // Listening practice
Привет! Today, I will talk about my favorite holidays in Russia. The main focus is on festive activities! And in the transcript, you'll find practice with holiday-related phrases as well as a song on this topic 🥳. Get itHERE💻 Online Courses & Classes:https://prostorussianpodcast.com/russiancourses_lessons📚 Books:https://prostorussianpodcast.com/russiangradedreader
A1. Guess the dish! // VIDEO
Привет! It's time to practice your listening skills and learn about Russian cuisine. Do you know these dishes?💻Online Courses & Classes:https://prostorussianpodcast.com/russiancourses_lessons📚Books:https://prostorussianpodcast.com/russiangradedreader
B1+. Эмоциональный интеллект // Listening practice
Привет! В этом эпизоде мы поговорим об эмоциональном интеллекте и о том, почему он так важен в нашей жизни. Вы узнаете, что такое эмоциональный интеллект, как он работает, и какие признаки говорят о его высоком или низком уровне. Мы обсудим, как развивать эмоциональный интеллект с помощью простых практик, и почему он может быть даже важнее обычного интеллекта для достижения успеха. Этот эпизод также поможет вам повторить лексику, связанную с эмоциями в русском языке. А в транскрипте вас ждёт небольшой тест на EQ: HERE
A2+. Синий маршрут // Listening practice
Привет! Today, let's practice talking about walking trails using one Hungarian trail as an example. In the transcript, I've prepared additional collocations on the topic for you. Get it HERE💻 Online Courses & Classes: https://prostorussianpodcast.com/russiancourses_lessons📚 Books: https://prostorussianpodcast.com/russiangradedreader
A1. Что я ем на обед // Listening practice
Привет! Today, I will tell you what I usually eat for lunch. This time, you can not only review vocabulary on the topic "food" but also learn words to describe dishes. As usual, in the transcript, you will find not only the text with translations of difficult words into English but also activities to practice the key vocabulary from this episode. You'll love it!Get the transcriptHERE💻 Online Courses & Classes:https://prostorussianpodcast.com/russiancourses_lessons📚 Books:https://prostorussianpodcast.com/russiangradedreader
Learn Russian with comprehensible input! Short real-life stories to improve your Russian listening and speaking skills (for beginners and low-intermediate). With each episode, you'll feel like you've found a Russian friend who just loves to chat, making your language-learning experience not only effective but incredibly fun.