Prophylactic chemotherapy to prevent post-molar gestational trophoblastic disease - a long journey and a remarkable study
Editor’s Choice: Primary prevention of post-molar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia in high-risk complete hydatidiform mole: A single-dose prophylactic actinomycin D, associated with uterine evacuation - a long retrospective cohort study
Editorial: Prevention of Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia with Actinomycin -D at the time of evacuation: A Matter of Routine Practice or Reserve for Special Circumstances?
Clinical trials: Panacea or pitfall
Editor’s Choice: Clinical trial enrollment during first course of gynecologic cancer treatment and survival
Editorial: Clinical trials are not the solution to inequities in cancer care
FOLR1 status: Landscape beyond high grade serous ovarian cancer
Editor’s Choice: Characterizing the genomic landscape through the lens of FOLR1 status in low and high grade serous ovarian carcinoma
Editorial: Following the folate receptor: Expanding targeted treatment options in low grade serous ovarian carcinoma
Hosted by:Warner Huh, MD, Deputy Editor of Gynecologic OncologyFeaturing: Tullia Rushton, MD
Beryl L. Manning-Geist, MD
Benefits of hormonal therapy for low grade serous ovarian cancer
Editor’s Choice: The association of maintenance hormone therapy with overall survival in advanced-stage low-grade serous ovarian carcinoma: A risk-set matched retrospective study
Editorial: Hormonal maintenance therapy for advance low grade serous ovarian carcinoma appears to be of benefit – That's a relief!
Implementation and impact of a financial navigation program in gynecologic oncology
Editor’s Choice: Implementation of a financial navigation program in gynecologic oncology
Editorial: Financial toxicity: moving from describing the problem toward developing interventions
Hosted by:Diane Yamada, MDFeaturing: Katharine M. Esselen, MDMargaret Liang, MD