Welcome to the Flight Attendant Forum!As a reminder you can TEXT the show in the show notes! We encourage our audience to engage and participate with any topics...
Megan's Four Day (semi) Disaster, Do Family and Friends Really Fly For Free, I Got Injured At Work (sort of)
Send us a textWelcome back to the Flight Attendant Forum everyone!We hope you enjoyed the format of last weeks show and we are so ecstatic to bring you another episode for this week!We cover a slew of things that went down on Megan's four day trip, we bring back our rumor or reality segment, and I discuss how I managed to get injured at work. Moreover, we are still working out the kinks of the new format so are with us!For the good of the podcast algorithms and our self esteem, if you haven't left us a review on any of the platforms where you find this podcast if you could go ahead and do that we will promise to continue to be the best mediocre podcast out there :)! Thanks for flying with usM+C
Happy New Year! Rumor Or Reality, Unexpected Cabo Layover
Send us a textHappy 2025 and WELCOME to the Flight Attendant Forum! This is a podcast brought to you by two flight attendants traversing the skies and the world in which inhabit. This podcast is for anyone is currently a flight attendant, a voracious traveler, or just has a general curiosity into the lives of flight attendants! We offer insight, behind the scenes scuttlebutt, and a plethora of travel tips and stories. Moreover, we love sharing our favorite places that we have been in our lives as well as any trips we may have coming up! We hope you find this as a source of laughter, knowledge (sort of), and can relate to what we deal with on a day in and day out basis. We encourage anyone who is listening to leave a review if you like what you hear! It helps the performance of the show and we greatly appreciate any feedback you may have for us!You can also text the show in the notes above, we want you, our audience, to participate and get involved with us! So please drop in any questions or comments you have!Thanks for listening!Colin and Megan
Chapter XXVII: We're Back! Where Have We Been? Finding Positivity Pockets, 2025 Look Ahead
Send us a textWelcome back everyone to The Flight Attendant Forum !We know it has been a long while since we last spoke to you and we are thrilled to be back in the zen den fresh off of our final episode of 2024. Moreover, we are excited to announce that we will be back in 2025 with a new format to keep the Flight Attendant Forum on the proper heading into next year.Have a great holiday season and happy new year!Enjoy this oneLeave a review if you haven't done so already it immensely helps out the performance of the show and allows to see that we are cultivating a proper listening experience for you. Cheers!Megan and Colin
Chapter XXVI: We're Tired, Megan's Mishaps, Is Being A Flight Attendant Fulfilling?
Send us a textWelcome back to the Flight Attendant Forum!You can TEXT the show using the link above ^^, we would want to engage with our audience so please feel free to say hey! If you are new the flight attendant forum, we welcome you. This is a podcast where two flight attendants share their stories, laughs and reactions to all things travel. Moreover, we do our best to keep you engaged and we thank all of you who have given us a chance!THANK YOU to all of our returning listeners, you guys are awesome!Megan and I discuss our current state of being flight attendants, some crazy things that happened with Megan on some recent trips, and if being a flight attendant is a fulfilling career. Thanks for listening :)Colin and Megan
Chapter XXV: Chapter XXV: Simone Biles, We Get Side Tracked, Former NFLer Urinates On Passenger (We React), Summer Flying Woes
Send us a textWelcome everyone back to the Flight Attendant Forum! Feel free to TEXT the show using the link in the show notes should you have any questions you would like us to answer or anything else! If you are NEW to the show, welcome on board! This is a podcast where two flight attendants share their stories and reactions to the travel universe, world, and people we interact with on a daily basis. We hope you enjoy your stay here and look forward to keeping you around! If you are a returning listener to the FAF, THANK YOU!We are always gracious for any reviews that are left for us in order to continue to bring you the best content possible and curtail your needs for a proper listening experience!This week Megan and I discuss our continued summer travel season that has seen more downs than ups, a recent story regarding a former NFL player urinating on another passenger, and that time that Megan and I had perennial olympic superstar Simone Biles and her husband on our flight together!Thanks for listening! Colin and Megan :)
Welcome to the Flight Attendant Forum!As a reminder you can TEXT the show in the show notes! We encourage our audience to engage and participate with any topics, questions, of comments you may have! (NEW EPISODES SEMI-WEEKLY1)If you LIKE what you hear, please LEAVE a review so we can continue to help cultivate abetter listening experience for YOU the audience! All feedback is welcomed :)This podcast is a place that flight attendants and crews, aviation enthusiasts, as well as anyone else who ponders our world we traverse on a daily basis. The forum serves as a place to share stories and secrets from the industry, travel insight, and for you to get to know us along the way!Thank YOU for listening!Megan and Colinhttps://patreon.com/TheFlightAttendantForum?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink