When it comes to technology, you may have questions. So do we. Every other week, we demystify the tech industry, one answer at a time. Join us as we bring toget...
There’s no one AI model to rule them all. Each project has its own requirements. Where do you get started building your own model?Compiler continues its conversations with big dreamers about their big projects—and how they’re piecing together the building blocks of their AI models.
Pie In The Sky
There is a lot of excitement around AI models, but can it meet the expectations set by blockbuster movies? What’s the current inflection point between what’s feasible and what’s not?The Compiler team talks to both big dreamers and heavy adopters wading into the space, hearing their thoughts on how AI can help scale daunting work, fill in the gaps, and make the fantastic into reality.
AI 101
Everyone’s talking about AI. Everyone says it’s the future. To find out where we’re going, we should know how we got here—and exactly what we’re working with.We hear a short history of AI development before diving into how it’s already changed the ways we learn and code.
The Truth About Netcode
Online multiplayer games are a staple of modern entertainment. But internet connectivity is an unpredictable factor in the experience. That’s why netcode exists. But what is it? And how does it really affect players?
Air-gapped Networks
From healthcare to banking, there’s a lot of industries that require the utmost protection for sensitive data. But for those sectors, innovation is also essential. That’s why disconnected environments—or air-gap environments—can be seen across the IT landscape. But how do they work? How do technologists ensure the data is accurate and usable, and how can these environments foster innovation?
When it comes to technology, you may have questions. So do we. Every other week, we demystify the tech industry, one answer at a time. Join us as we bring together a chorus of perspectives from within Red Hat to break down the big, emerging ideas that matter both today and beyond. Compiler is hosted by Angela Andrews and Brent Simoneaux. Learn more about our show at redhat.com/en/compiler-podcast