All Things Smart Home is a live show hosted by Phil Hawthorne and Rohan Karamandi of the Home Assistant Podcast.
In these live streams they cover more general ...
Unboxing and installing the Xiaomi FP1 Presence Sensor
Rohan and Phil talk about the presence detection, with Phil unboxing and installing the Xiaomi FP1 presence sensor
Phil Hawthorne
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Rohan Karamandi
Smart Home Products
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Insteon closes their cloud servers! Where to now?
Rohan and Phil talk about the smart home and discuss Insteon who have closed down their cloud servers.
Phil Hawthorne
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Rohan Karamandi
Smart Home Products
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Is the smart home for the average person?
Rohan and Phil talk about the smart home and discuss some of the barriers to adoption. With choices like zigbee, zwave, matter and bluetooth how are people supposed to easily transform their home to be smart?
Phil Hawthorne
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Rohan Karamandi
Smart Home Products
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All Things Smart Home is a live show hosted by Phil Hawthorne and Rohan Karamandi of the Home Assistant Podcast.
In these live streams they cover more general home automation and smart home topics, enabling you to create a smarter home.