Dedicated for the elevation of the neshama of Moshe Yaakov ben Asher Zelig, z"l, Dr. Alexander Kratz, of Bergenfield, New Jersey, sponsored by Elizabeth, Zippy, Hannah and Asher Kratz. 🎙️ Dedicate a Shiur or Podcast Series: Opportunities available at 💬 Got Questions, Comments, or Suggestions? We’d love to hear from you! Email us at:
[email protected] 📍 About Yeshivat Ohr Somayach Located in the heart of Jerusalem, Ohr Somayach is a premier institution for young, English-speaking Jewish men. Whether you’re new to Jewish learning or already proficient in Gemara and other original sources, we offer tailored programs to meet your needs. 📚 Discover the perfect program for you: 🌐 Visit: 📱 WhatsApp: 📞 Call our placement specialist: +1-254-981-0133 🎧 Subscribe to Rabbi Breitowitz Q&A Podcast: Don’t miss out! 📝 Submit your questions for Rabbi Breitowitz: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Explore more videos here: 00:00 - Is it permitted to speak Loshon Horo about someone who does not keep Shabbos? 07:56 - Should we abandon democracy seeing as the Torah commands that the Jewish people have a king and makes no mention of democracy 18:45 - What was Rachel doing with idols four days after leaving Lavan’s house? 21:15 - Why do people overstate their expenses in their tax return if the income for the year is pre-determined? 26:25 - Why does the Torah go to such lengths to describe the construction of the Mishkan? 31:28 - If the generations since leaving Eretz Yisrael are going down in kedushah then why do we still have such big physical challenges? 37:09 - How should one react to extremist statements from Gedolim? 42:20 - What is the extent of the obligation not to emulate the other nations? 50:00 - When does the heter of inaccessibility end in regard to separating psoles from ochel? 54:55 - How can one best prepare for Purim and use his drunkenness to connect to Hashem? 01:02:05 - Can one charge to learn with someone? 01:04:45 - What is the Rabbi’s view of women dressing up on Purim? 01:07:55 - What determines when we encourage the use of loop-holes? 01:14:55 - How do people on 12-step programmes deal with Purim? 01:17:00 - If Moshe received the Torah at Sinai does that mean that he knew everything that would happen later in the Midbar? 01:18:40 - If one has an opportunity to do a mitzvah should he stop learning to engage in it? 01:22:39 - If Rambam says sacrifices were only a concession to human nature why do we daven for them? 01:26:50 - How can someone know whether to interpret a difficulty as a sign to change or persevere? 01:30:10 - Why do we need the instructions to build the utensils of the Beis Hamikdash 101:34:50 - Does Hashem listen to the Shliach Tzibur’s first shmoneh esrei? 01:37:53 - Why does Shmuel in the Gemara not get a title? 01:40:10 - Can one sell a product that could cause harm? 01:43:00 - How does the principle of lack of agency for sin integrate with secular law? 01:44:40 - What is Nekudas HaBechirah? (3-5-25) 💡 Find Ohr Somayach Programs Anytime, Anywhere: 📲 Download the Ohr Somayach app on Apple & Google Play, or visit us at Note: Please do not watch or listen to this content on Shabbos or Jewish Holidays. 🎙️🎥 Produced by: Cedar Media Studios 🌟 Join, subscribe, and share!