Delve into history's most intriguing stories, people, places, events, and mysteries, delivered in a supremely calming atmosphere. If you struggle to fall asleep...
The Bermuda Triangle—a region shrouded in mystery, where ships vanish without a trace and planes disappear into thin air. This enigmatic stretch of ocean has sparked countless theories and legends. Is it supernatural, scientific, or simply misunderstood? Tonight, journey into the unknown, exploring the history, stories, and mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, as you drift into a peaceful sleep.Narrated by: Arif HodzicWritten by: Alicia SteffannAbout Sleepy History Delve into history's most intriguing stories, people, places, events, and mysteries, delivered in a supremely calming atmosphere. If you struggle to fall asleep and you have a curious mind, Sleepy History is the perfect bedtime companion. Our stories will gently grasp your attention, pulling your mind away from any racing thoughts, making room for the soothing music and calming narration to guide you into a peaceful sleep. Sleepy History is a production of Slumber Studios. To learn more, visit
The Hope Diamond
The Hope Diamond, with its mesmerizing blue hue, has captivated imaginations for centuries. But this stunning gem is more than just a jewel—it's steeped in history, mystery, and tales of an infamous curse. Who wore it, who coveted it, and what secrets does it hold? Tonight, follow the story Hope Diamond through the ages, from the court of the Sun King in France to the households of ill-fated socialites and more, as you drift into a peaceful sleep.Narrated by: Jessika GösslWritten by: Alicia SteffannAbout Sleepy History Delve into history's most intriguing stories, people, places, events, and mysteries, delivered in a supremely calming atmosphere. If you struggle to fall asleep and you have a curious mind, Sleepy History is the perfect bedtime companion. Our stories will gently grasp your attention, pulling your mind away from any racing thoughts, making room for the soothing music and calming narration to guide you into a peaceful sleep. Sleepy History is a production of Slumber Studios. To learn more, visit
The Titanic
Over a century ago, the Titanic set sail on its maiden voyage, a marvel of engineering and a symbol of human ambition. Yet, its journey ended in one of the most infamous tragedies in history. What led to the ship's untimely fate, and what stories did its passengers and crew leave behind? Tonight, drift off to sleep as we explore the history, myths, and enduring legacy of the Titanic.Narrated by: Elizabeth GraceWritten by: Alicia SteffannAbout Sleepy History Delve into history's most intriguing stories, people, places, events, and mysteries, delivered in a supremely calming atmosphere. If you struggle to fall asleep and you have a curious mind, Sleepy History is the perfect bedtime companion. Our stories will gently grasp your attention, pulling your mind away from any racing thoughts, making room for the soothing music and calming narration to guide you into a peaceful sleep. Sleepy History is a production of Slumber Studios. To learn more, visit
For centuries, a mysterious stone structure has captured the imagination of travelers, historians, and dreamers alike: Stonehenge. Shrouded in legend and steeped in ancient mystery, this iconic monument has stood the test of time. But who built it, and why? What secrets do its stones hold? Tonight, journey back to ancient history as we uncover the origins, myths, and cultural significance of Stonehenge, all while guiding you into a peaceful sleep.Narrated by: Simon MattacksWritten by: Alexandra TurneyAbout Sleepy History Delve into history's most intriguing stories, people, places, events, and mysteries, delivered in a supremely calming atmosphere. If you struggle to fall asleep and you have a curious mind, Sleepy History is the perfect bedtime companion. Our stories will gently grasp your attention, pulling your mind away from any racing thoughts, making room for the soothing music and calming narration to guide you into a peaceful sleep. Sleepy History is a production of Slumber Studios. To learn more, visit
The Silk Road
For centuries, a vast and vibrant trade route connected the East and West. Its stories contain legendary names, like Marco Polo. Not only did it spread rare goods across the world, but ideas and belief systems too. It was known as "The Silk Road." Explore the history, culture, and legends of this iconic network of exchange, as you drift off into a peaceful sleep tonight. Narrated by: Jessika GösslWritten by: Alexandra TurneyAbout Sleepy History Delve into history's most intriguing stories, people, places, events, and mysteries, delivered in a supremely calming atmosphere. If you struggle to fall asleep and you have a curious mind, Sleepy History is the perfect bedtime companion. Our stories will gently grasp your attention, pulling your mind away from any racing thoughts, making room for the soothing music and calming narration to guide you into a peaceful sleep. Sleepy History is a production of Slumber Studios. To learn more, visit
Delve into history's most intriguing stories, people, places, events, and mysteries, delivered in a supremely calming atmosphere. If you struggle to fall asleep and you have a curious mind, Sleepy History is the perfect bedtime companion. Our stories will gently grasp your attention, pulling your mind away from any racing thoughts, making room for the soothing music and calming narration to guide you into a peaceful sleep. Sleepy History is a production of Slumber Studios. To learn more, visit