February 9, 2025, Holy Rosary (Glorious Mysteries)
Friends of the Rosary,Today, the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, in our central reading of the Gospel (Luke 5:1-11), we see Jesus in the Lake of Gennesaret climbing into Peter's boat without asking permission.Jesus said to Simon,"Do not be afraid;from now on, you will be catching men.""This represents something of an enormous moment: the invasion of grace," explains Bishop Barron."Though God respects our relative independence, he is not the least bit content to leave us in a “natural” state. Instead, he wants to live in us, to become the Lord of our lives, moving into our minds, wills, bodies, imaginations, nerves, and bones.""This commandeering of nature by grace does not involve the compromising of nature but rather its perfection and elevation. When Jesus moves into the house of the soul, the powers of the soul are heightened and properly directed; when Jesus commands the boat of the natural human life, that life is preserved, strengthened, and given a new orientation."This is signaled symbolically by the Lord’s directive to put out into the deep water. On our own, we can know and will within a very narrow range, seeking those goods and truths that appear within the horizon of our natural consciousness,When grace invades us, our natural consciousness understands that we all are made for perfection.Ave Maria!Jesus, I Trust In You!Come, Holy Spirit, come!To Jesus through Mary!+ Mikel Amigot | RosaryNetwork.com, New YorkEnhance your faith with the new Holy Rosary University app:Apple iOS | Android Google Play•February 9, 2025, Today’s Rosary on YouTube | Daily broadcast at 7:30 pm ET