Join well-known theologian and author Edward Sri for weekly insights on understanding and living out the Catholic faith. Delve deeper into the Bible, prayer tim...
The Rosary is a powerful source of grace, peace, and conversion. Dr. Sri welcomes Fr. Mark-Mary Ames to discuss the profound impact of praying the Rosary and the inspiration behind the Rosary in a Year podcast. They explore our challenges while praying the Rosary and offer practical advice for families, individuals, and beginners trying to incorporate it into their busy lives.
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When you put your life in the rhythm of the rosary, you're uniting your life with the life of Christ.
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Do Not Be Conformed to this World
Living as a faithful Catholic in a secular, post-Christian culture can be difficult. Dr. Sri highlights St. Paul's timeless advice about renewing our minds to remain steadfast in the Faith. By immersing our minds in the teachings of Christ, Scripture, and the lives of the saints, we can stay close to Jesus in a world filled with conflicting ideas and pressures.
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If we don't fill our minds with Christ's teachings, the Scriptures, and the lives of the saints, then our vision for life becomes a bit blurry.
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Responding to the Holy Spirit
How do we live a life truly led by the Holy Spirit? Dr. Sri explains how Simeon illustrates for us what it looks like to be receptive to the Holy Spirit. Dr. Sri shares practical ways to become more like Simeon, such as asking for divine inspiration, showing gratitude for it, practicing trust and detachment, and maintaining interior peace.
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A man in tune with the Holy Spirit, Simeon exemplifies the trust and detachment necessary to respond to the Holy Spirit's invitations.
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"We Listen And We Don't Judge"?
Dr. Sri explores the social media trend where couples reveal secrets in a judgment-free space. Delving into the implications of this phenomenon, he examines what it reveals about the human desire for connection and how it impacts modern relationships. Dr. Sri compares this trend to the true meaning and practice of Confession within Catholicism, highlighting the importance of private reconcialiation, contrition, and sincere change.
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The "we listen and we don't judge" culture is a cry to be seen at the deepest level. In the sacrament of Confession, God does precisely this in a way that truly frees us..
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Mary, Cana, and Total Surrender
Have you ever meditated on Mary’s actions at the Wedding at Cana? Dr. Edward Sri explains the weight of Mary’s decision in this story and what it reveals about her soul. Dr. Sri encourages each of us to turn to Mary so that we can grow in trust, generosity, and courage.
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Mary held nothing back and trusted completely in the Father’s plan.
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Join well-known theologian and author Edward Sri for weekly insights on understanding and living out the Catholic faith. Delve deeper into the Bible, prayer time, virtue, relationships, marriage and family and culture with practical reflections on all things Catholic. Don't just go through the motions. Live as an intentional Catholic, a disciple of Jesus Christ.