Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they...
The Adventure Zone: Abnimals Ep. 18: Don't Bank on It!
Navy Seal, Axe-o-Lyle, Roger Moore, and Artie Ficial need to sneak into the bank's IT Department in order to make their date with destiny – destiny named Clamgela!Abnimals Theme by Justin McElroy, Eric Near (https://bit.ly/ericnearmusic) and Jonathan Coulton (https://www.jonathancoulton.com/).Additional Music in this Episode: "First Rays", "Gearing Up", "Bittersweet", and "Bounce" by Mr. Smith: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk2j0fTMw9V94UGyfWrSuA?; "Flipping In" and "Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have Liftoff" by Wax Lyricist: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/wax-lyricist/; "Task Man" by Gamesharkoff: https://gagmesharkoff.bandcamp.com/; "RF-Silly Saturday" by legacyAlli: https://legacyalli.com/; "Abandoned Robot Puppy" by Jangwa: https://tommasocroce.eu/; "Hoist" by Andy G. Cohen: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Andy_G_Cohen/; and "Neptune" by Joseph R. Lilore: https://josephlilore.com. World Central Kitchen: https://wck.org/
The Adventure Zone: Abnimals Ep. 17: Figging Around!
Armed with new allies and new information, the Abnimals head to the Future Dryer-ia to stake out the whereabouts of Clamgela!Abnimals Theme by Justin McElroy, Eric Near (https://bit.ly/ericnearmusic) and Jonathan Coulton (https://www.jonathancoulton.com/).Additional Music in this Episode: "Make Funk" by Holizna: https://holiznaroyaltyfree.bandcamp.com/; "The Cleaner" by Wax Lyricist: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/wax-lyricist/; "Surveillance", "Chi Town Funk", "Blood in the Water", "Bittersweet", and "Mindsweep" by Mr. Smith: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk2j0fTMw9V94UGyfWrSuA?; "Rather Never Than Ashamed" by done with fish: https://soundcloud.com/donewithfish; "Taffy Machine" by Kate Kody: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/kate-kody/; "Air" by Jesse Spillane: http://www.jessespillane.com/; "Demolition" by 1st Contact: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/1st-contact/; and "Turn around" by Koi-discovery: https://koi-discovery.lescigales.org/.Palestine Children's Relief Fund: https://www.pcrf.net/
Have the gang made enemies made along the way, or could they be future friends? The Abnimals form an unlikely alliance and gather some new best acquaintances as they search for the mysterious Clamgela and Walrus.Abnimals Theme by Justin McElroy, Eric Near (https://bit.ly/ericnearmusic) and Jonathan Coulton (https://www.jonathancoulton.com/).Additional Music in this Episode: "Awkward Cafe", "Blood in the Water", "The Get Away", and "Catch and Release" by Mr. Smith: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk2j0fTMw9V94UGyfWrSuA?; "Taffy Machine" by Kate Kody: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/kate-kody/; "Instrumental Sontagsfaherer" by Patrick Steel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqee4AUSj6Jocrsr-uDEAmA; "Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have Liftoff" by Wax Lyricist: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/wax-lyricist/; "Darude - Sandstorm [Chiptune Version]" by BildPünkT: https://soundcloud.com/lichttrager; and "Sick of" and "Turn around" by Koi-discovery: https://koi-discovery.lescigales.org/.Palestine Children's Relief Fund: https://www.pcrf.net/
The Adventure Zone: Abnimals Ep. 15: Covert Cops!
It's an axolotl! It's a seal! It's a robot coat rack to the rescue as the Abnimals infiltrate the Enforcement Headquarters to find Goshua Darnet and their hero beyond.Abnimals Theme by Justin McElroy, Eric Near (https://bit.ly/ericnearmusic) and Jonathan Coulton (https://www.jonathancoulton.com/).Additional Music in this Episode: "Slingshot", "Hellafunk", "Blood in the Water", "Awkward Cafe", and "Gearing Up" by Mr. Smith: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk2j0fTMw9V94UGyfWrSuA?; "Taffy Machine" by Kate Kody: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/kate-kody/; "Dear Mr. Super Computer" by Holizna: https://holiznaroyaltyfree.bandcamp.com/; and "Rather Never Than Ashamed" by done with fish: https://soundcloud.com/donewithfish.Palestine Children's Relief Fund: https://www.pcrf.net/
The Adventure Zone: Abnimals Ep. 14: Hide and Sneak!
Security doors and corporate offices stand between the Abnimals and their one chance at finding Carver. Can they wind their way through the cubicle maze to deliver a heartfelt apology?Abnimals Theme by Justin McElroy, Eric Near (https://bit.ly/ericnearmusic) and Jonathan Coulton (https://www.jonathancoulton.com/).Additional Music in this Episode: "Hellafunk", "Slingshot", and "Bittersweet" by Mr. Smith: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk2j0fTMw9V94UGyfWrSuA?; "Darude - Sandstorm [Chiptune Version]" by BildPünkT: https://soundcloud.com/lichttrager; "Task Man" by Gamesharkoff: https://gagmesharkoff.bandcamp.com/; and "Air" by Jesse Spillane: http://www.jessespillane.com/.Palestine Children's Relief Fund: https://www.pcrf.net/
Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of ... you know, kobolds or whatever in ... The Adventure Zone..