The Pill Pod debates the philosophy of freedom from Merleau Ponty, Sartre, Peirce, and Post-structuralism. Listen ad-free on
Pill Pod 197 - "Never were we freer than under Nazi Occupation..." (preview)
This is a preview of an episode on Jean-Paul Sartre and existentialism. Find it at Please join us to support the show and get all our episodes!
Finally! New Translation of Marx's CAPITAL is out! Interview w/ Paul Reitter
Paul Reitter just finished the first translation of Marx's Capital this century. He joins our episode to educate us on why we need a new version, the difficulties of rendering Capital in English, and of course who's mad at him. Watch the interview here (video): link: public episodes are ad free on patreon at
Pill Pod 192 - Marxism vs. Ideology: Althusser
This is the big one and it's hard to believe we haven't done this particular essay before, but it's the linchpin for the critical theory use of the term "ideology." Check the patreon feed for the pdf if you want to check the source text, and to listen ad-free:
Pill Pod 191 - Marxism vs. Humanism (ft. Diego Ruzzarin)
This episode is based on an article Althusser wrote in the 60s, Marxism and Humanism, which you can find in "For Marx." He declares that Marxism and Humanism are fundamentally incompatible, which we all agree on because our liberal was at a conference this week.Get all the eps upon release with no ads at