Donovan Hutchinson On Web Animation Tools & Progressive Enhancement - Motion And Meaning Ep 13
The force behind joins the show to talk about how animation experiments can inform client work and why UI animation takes both designers and engineers to pull of well. We also dig into how animation plays into progressive enhancement.
Dan Mall on Inspiration and Process - Motion And Meaning Ep 12
The super friendly Dan Mall joins me to talk about how animation fits into his design process. He shares his proven approach to finding inspiration and customizing animation to the project’s brand. We also discuss how and when to present animation ideas to clients and teammates along the way.
Full episode notes and transcript:
Rebecca Ussai on UX Choreography & branding - Motion and Meaning - Episode 11
We’re back for season two! Rebecca Ussai, UX Design Director at RG/A Chicago, joins Val to chat about the realities of designing and prototyping animation for client work. We talk about how to make sense of the overwhelming number of prototyping tools out there and what comes after UX Choreography.
Full transcript and links at:
Design Problems Animation Can Answer - Motion And Meaning Episode 10
In the final episode of season one Val and Cennydd discuss common design flows or situations that animation can be particularly helpful solution for and why. Full transcript and links:
Animation In Your Design Process - Motion And Meaning - Ep 9
In this episode Cennydd and Val address the topic of workflow and the process of actually getting good motion design shipped into an end product. They cover how to convince your team and clients that motion is important and how to document your animation decisions in styleguides.