JULIAN TABARES INTERVIEW!! | The Interlude w/ Drew Episode 43
We're finally back!! I got to interview my little bro Julian Tabares and we talked about his journey in music, how he got started, what he's learned along the way as well as advice for upcoming musicians and so much more!!
JAMES 'J ANT' ANDERSON INTERVIEW!! | The Interlude w/ Drew Episode 42
Wassup everybody!! In this episode, I got to interview James 'J Ant' Anderson! You may know him from playing with Todd Dulaney, John P Kee or Fred Hammond. This was definitely a dope interview that you'll want to check out!!
TERRY BAKER INTERVIEW!! | The Interlude w/ Drew Episode 41
In this interview I got to speak with the world class drummer, Terry Baker!! His experience is extensive and he has played on countless albums!! He shares a lot of wisdom and first hand experiences that are guaranteed to help the listeners!
TRANSPOSING! What's the big deal?? | The Interlude w/ Drew Episode 40
In this episode, I talk about transposing on keyboards. Why is it such a big talking point and is it really a big deal?
MY IDEAS FOR THE NEW YAMAHA MONTAGE | The Interlude w/ Drew Episode 39
I'm a piano enthusiast, so in this episode I share my thoughts on the forthcoming new keyboard from my favorite keyboard company, Yamaha!