Hosted by twin sisters who love true crime stories with a plot twist or shocking turn of events and hate the people responsible for them. Each week we alternate...
Sean Lanier was a chef living in Salt Lake City when he met 37-year-old Margie Danielsen. Both being single parents, they hit it off immediately. After a year of dating Sean proposed and the future looked bright for the couple. However, shortly after their wedding Margie starts acting "off". It's as if she's hiding something and Sean becomes incredibly suspicious. Things come to a head before he has a chance to confront her, and the reason for her behavior is mindblowing.
Produced by Jacob Hollabaugh
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Alison Botha | 128
This is one of our most requested cases. We've been nervous to do it because it's really brutal, but it's a shocking story that deserves to be told. In 1994, 27-year-old Alison Botha was returning home when a man wielding a knife kidnapped her. She didn't know at the time, but the man was Frans Du Toit and he was going to pick up his satanic counterpart, Theuns Kruger. These two monsters go on to brutally attack Alison & leave her for dead. When they're finally caught, they're shocked when they hear the charges.
Produced by Jacob Hollabaugh
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Bill Stout | 127
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Produced by Jacob Hollabaugh
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The Hollywood Ripper | 126
Between 2001 - 2008, a series of murders & attacks on young women horrified Los Angeles, California. The crimes were meticulously planned but ultimately he messes with the wrong girl and after a huge struggle, leaves DNA behind. That DNA links him to a 1993 cold case that should've landed him in jail before he could kill again. When he finally goes to trial, the prosecutor has a very surprising star witness. Stick around to the end because there are some new (and damning) allegations. This is the story of Tricia Pacaccio, Ashley Ellerin, Maria Bruno, and Michelle Murphy.
Produced by Jacob Hollabaugh
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Hosted by twin sisters who love true crime stories with a plot twist or shocking turn of events and hate the people responsible for them. Each week we alternate telling a new case and guarantee at least one “didn’t see that coming” moment per episode