Welcome to the AvGeek Chronicles Podcast, hosted by pilot and aviation enthusiast Colin Hodges. On this podcast you will find a plethora of audio experiences fr...
Ep. 046: #AskTheAvGeek 021 with Gary-James Knight from Icon Aircraft
The 1st episode of #AskTheAvGeek in 2021 has arrived! This week on the podcast I am happy to welcome Garry-James Knight, from Icon Aircraft. Stoked to have Gary-James on the podcast this week and it's been long overdue. Our schedules finally aligned and we were able to link up. In this episode, Gary-James and I talk about his aviation background, our lives in aviation sales, personal branding, social media and how we deal with work life balance in our busy jobs. Happy listening and I hope you all enjoy this weeks episode of the AvGeek Chronicles Podcast.
Find AvGeek Chronicles on IG: https://www.instagram.com/avgeekchronicles/
Find your host on IG: https://www.instagram.com/hodge_che/?hl=en
Find your host on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hodge_che
Join the AvGeek Chronicles FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/AvGeekChronicles
Ep: 045 Marketing@FL300 Podcast with Special Guest - Colin Hodges
I appreciate Chris Quiocho & Doug Foley having me on as a guest for the Marketing @FL300 Live Show & Podcast! This was my first guest appearance on another podcast and I'm happy to bring it to you all, here on the AvGeek Chronicles Podcast. It was great to talk about helicopters, Bell, aviation, sales, marketing, personal branding and the age old question people always ask... Who's a better pilot: Helicopter Pilots or the Fixed-Wing Pilots? My answer might just shock you!
Find AvGeek Chronicles on IG: https://www.instagram.com/avgeekchronicles/
Find your host on IG: https://www.instagram.com/hodge_che/?hl=en
Find your host on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hodge_che
Join the AvGeek Chronicles FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/AvGeekChronicles
Ep. 044: AGC IS BACK!! & 2020 Rewind
It's the 1st episode of 2021 and I'M BACK! As I want to kick off 2021 the right way, I have to give a huge shout out to you the listeners. 2020 was a huge year for me but it also meant I had to put a pause to the podcast. In this episode I go into full detail about what was going on in my life in 2020, the amazing stats the podcast received (even though I only published 1 episode) and whats coming in 2021. I'm so excited to be back producing the show and I think you all will enjoy whats to come. Thank you for being a listener! It is truly you all that made me bring it back and I'm stoked to make it even better for you all. Make sure you direct message me for your recommendations and please leave a rating & review on the podcast.
Find AvGeek Chronicles on IG: https://www.instagram.com/avgeekchronicles/
Find your host on IG: https://www.instagram.com/hodge_che/?hl=en/
Find your host on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hodge_che/
Join the AvGeek Chronicles FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/AvGeekChronicles/
Ep. 043 #ShortFinalAGC 001 - What's In Your Flight Bag?
It's the 1st episode of 2020! As I want to kick off 2020 in a big way, as promised, I am kicking off a new segment on the AvGeek Chronicles Podcast. Welcome to the first episode of #ShortFinal. "Short Final" is a way for me to take a random aviation topic and just have a short conversation about it. Most of these will be my random thoughts or things I see as I'm in and around airports. With today being the first episode, we're kicking it off with "What's In Your Flight Bag?" Today we're going to talk about what aviators carry around with them in their flight bag. The mysterious flight bag! In this episode I go through everything I have in my bag and I'd love for you to compare it to how your bag is packed. Everyone packs differently so I'd love to hear what you prefer to pack! Hit me up over on social media, on this episodes post, to let me know what you pack in your flight bag.
Find AvGeek Chronicles on IG: https://www.instagram.com/avgeekchronicles/
Find your host on IG: https://www.instagram.com/hodge_che/?hl=en
Find your host on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hodge_che
Join the AvGeek Chronicles FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/AvGeekChronicles
Ep. 042: #AskTheAvGeek 020 with Sam Eckholm and Swayne Martin
THE PODCAST IS BACK!! AvGeek Nation, I am so stoked to rev the podcast back up and bring you a refreshed AvGeek Chronicles. After a break in the podcast due to personal and family reasons, it's time to bring it back. I know you all have loved following all the episodes, so I'm ready to be back with a refreshed vision. I do this podcast for you all and I can't wait to hear what you all have to say. This week on the podcast we are coming back with a bang! I am so happy to have Sam Eckholm and Swayne Martin on for a groupisode, to kick things back off. If you don't know these two now, you sure will very soon with all the work they're doing. Sam Eckholm is the Public Affairs Officer for the United States Air Force F22 Raptor Demonstration Team. As the Public Affairs Officer, Sam is responsible for photography & videography while also managing community & media outreach for the team. Sam's documentation and creative media has already made a mark inside the Air Force. Sam's work and passion has increased the F22 Demonstration Team's Instagram following by almost 90,000 fans, in less than one season. Sam is changing the script on not only on what it means to be a Public Affairs Officer in the military, but what it means to be apart of a military aviation demonstration team. Sam know's what it takes to grab the attention of people around the world and he's only getting started. Swayne Martin is currently an Airline Pilot flying for Envoy Air. Wildly known for his creative work on YouTube, Instagram and Boldmethod, Swayne is giving the world the inside look at what it actually means to be a Professional Pilot. At a young age, Swayne couldn't find any inspiration online specifically around what it took to become an airline pilot. Since then, he's made it his personal mission to de-mystify what it means to be a "professional pilot." From training, day-to-day operations, lifestyle and benefits, Swayne is giving us all the important information we need to understand this career better. Swayne believes his work is his way of helping solve a small portion of the pilot shortage. He's proving that even if you're young, you can accomplish amazing things as a pilot. Both in their early 20's, Sam and Swayne are prime examples that show to be successful in aviation, it takes time and hard work. They fully believe in following your passion and never giving up. Keep fighting for what you want and what you believe in.
Swayne Martin IG: https://www.instagram.com/swayne.martin/
Swayne Martin YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVT_dmXuWdhwrkuqPG3pFQg
Sam Eckholm IG: https://www.instagram.com/2ltsam/
F22 Raptor Demonstration Team YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjvi-_c_ffte2LaNaE2j8g
F22 Raptor Demonstration Team Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/F22DemoTeam/ F22 Raptor Demonstration Team Twitter: https://twitter.com/f22demoteam?lang=en
Find AvGeek Chronicles on IG: https://www.instagram.com/avgeekchronicles/
Find your host on IG: https://www.instagram.com/hodge_che/?hl=en
Find your host on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hodge_che
Join the AvGeek Chronicles FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/AvGeekChronicles
Welcome to the AvGeek Chronicles Podcast, hosted by pilot and aviation enthusiast Colin Hodges. On this podcast you will find a plethora of audio experiences from first hand insight into training that he goes through, interviews with fellow millennial aviators that are making a difference, and other random but great aviation content which will have everyone saying "I'm an AvGeek" after listening to an episode. Colin is the perfect example of putting your dreams into flight and he wants to help others accomplish their aviation goals too!