Adán Banuelos embodies a true cowboy and leader in the performance horse industry with $6,820,458.00 LTE NCHA
Adán Banuelos embodies a true cowboy and leader in the performance horse industry with $6,820,458.00 LTE NCHA. Growing up in a large Mexican-American family, he was instilled with the values of family, hard work, and horsemanship. His father, Ascension, an NCHA Hall of Fame Rider, and his mother are the foundation of his successful career as the leading NCHA Open rider in 2018, 2020, 2021, and 2022. Adán emphasizes the significance of family and the teamwork required to thrive as a leading horse trainer in the NCHA. He also expresses his aspiration to restructure his business to enhance his quality of life and to spend time with family, friends, clients, and his girlfriend, Bella Hadid. 12:34:00 Adan’s mom; “All right. So I know a little bit about your family, but we need to give our listeners just a little background. You already started and this is great.” 15:51:00 Adan’s dads story coming to the USA; “All right. So I know a little bit about your family, but we need to give our listeners just a little background. You already started and this is great.” 22:45:00 Adan’s mentors and his beginning as an Open Rider;“So you've always been around, just your family. You've never, you've never gone anywhere, even when you're younger to ride with other people. mainly it was, it was your dad and uncles that you work for and you learned most of it.” 1:00:31 Andrea asks Adan about; ““The one thing that you're saying that you're modifying the program just a little bit to make it, are you talking about just less numbers to where it's just a little bit more manageable or is that what you're saying in the next couple of years maybe?” 1:10:14 Andrea & Adan discuss the “Horse Market”: “Let's talk about that for just a second because that's one thing that I noticed in the cutting. I mean, everybody knows that cutting horses, the good cutting horses are definitely way more expensive than any reiners, any cow horses or any other really quarter horses, I would say other than probably race horses. But is it getting even more now?” 1:16:06 Andrea asks Adan about partnerships, percentages of breedings; “And tell me something about your business. Do you get involved with a lot of the, do you partner up with people so that you have part of the skin in the game as far as some of the horses that you ride, or do you have different deals to where maybe you get a percentage of the breedings if you sell the stud later because you're involved. Like on the business side of it, do you mainly just make your money on the winnings and the training or are you pretty involved with some of your customers and your horses?” 1:22:55 Bella Hadid: “So you have to tell us a little bit because the people want to know how things going with Bella and how long you've been dating and sounds like everything's going great, right?”