Welcome to The Gym Secrets Podcast hosted by Cale Owen, Ed Turney, and Mike Ferreira where they reveal the secrets to creating billions of dollars in fitness re...
Persistence w/ Sam Miller Founder of Proteus Motion [S1E29]
“It’s a Sports Science Lab in a Box” Sam Miller is on the podcast today to share why he created Proteus Motion– a revolutionary athlete training equipment brand. There was nothing on the market that worked the range of motion needed for an athlete, so Miller is updating the fitness industry to adapt to the needs of athletes. Take a listen to how he combined his engineering education, and athletic background to turn a closet sized workspace into a mega equipment brand.
What It Takes to Win w/ 7F Gym Owner Cameron Brown (Pt.1) [S1E28]
“I want to make an emotional experience every time someone comes into my gym”. Cale and Mike are joined by a very special guest…7 figure gym owner, Cameron Brown. Get to know him and how transforming his body and life led to opening up his first warehouse gym. Like most entrepreneurs he didn’t have an easy time making his way to the top. Now, he uses human psychology to get to the root of why people show up at his gym to make a transformation.
The 3 Steps To A Bulletproof Acquisition System [S1E27]
“A bunch of gold BBs not a single silver bullet”. Mike is sharing the 3 best practices for creating an acquisition system that locks in new members. Most Gym Owners have a pile of leads built up and no idea how to get them through the door. Mike is sharing the Gym Secrets to get leads interested, in the door, and converted.
Be A Visionary [S1E26]
“Having a vision is what attracts top talent” Today, Cale and Mike are sharing the importance of having a clear vision for the outcome of your business. Not only does it help you as the owner to lead, it helps your team to believe in the business.
Be A Numbers Person [S1E25]
“People get burned out because they don't know if they're making progress”. Data is king in any business. As a Gym Owner, it's crucial to know your numbers (and not as scary as it seems). Cale, Mike, and Ed are sharing how they broke down the labels they put on themselves and became experts on their own business metrics.
Welcome to The Gym Secrets Podcast hosted by Cale Owen, Ed Turney, and Mike Ferreira where they reveal the secrets to creating billions of dollars in fitness revenue over the past 7 years. As former and current gym owners and now executives at Gym Launch & Prestige Labs, they share what worked for them and thousands of other gym owners to create million dollar gyms.